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Searching Geotechpedia for subsidence

<p>Thin coastal dykes typically found in developing countries may suddenly collapse due to rapid land subsidence, material ageing, sea-level rise, high wave attack, earthquakes, landslides, or a collision with vessels. Such a failure could trigger dam-break ...
Reference: Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 1629–1638, 2016
<p>The Barapukuria Coalfield is only production coalfield in Bangladesh with coal deposit area of approximately 6.25 km2. Geologically, the coal basin is a singular syncline in which coal occurs at shallower depth at the northern part and deeper depth at the ...
Reference: International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2014
<p style="text-align: justify;">The LKAB Malmberget Mine is mined using sublevel caving. This mining method is cost-effective but results in successive caving of the host rock and mining-induced ground deformations. Consequently, re-locations of residential ...
Reference: Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 3, no. 4, 2013, 147-173 ISSN: 1792-9040 (print), 1792-9660 (online) Scienpress Ltd, 2013
The occurrence of subsidence, either by natural or anthropogenic factors, is of concern in engineering practice due to the potential impacts on infrastructure, natural resources and the environment. Subsidence is a complex phenomenon involving different processes ...
Reference: Report Submitted to The Office of the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer As Part of the Review of Coal Seam Gas Activities in NSW 31 July 2013
Tectonic deformation from the 2010 Maule (Chile) Mw 8.8 earthquakeincluded both uplift and subsidence along about 470 km of the central Chilean coast. In the south, deformation included as much as 3 m of uplift of the Arauco Peninsula, which produced emergent ...
Reference: Earthquake Spectra, Volume 28, No. S1, pages S39–S54, June 2012; 2012, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Land subsidence in the Lisbon area validated by two geodetic techniques GNSS and PSInSAR
Reference: "FIG Working Week 2011 Bridging the Gap between Cultures Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011"
<p>The quantification of risk is fundamental to assessing its acceptability. When drafting codes of practice, the quantified risk is used in assessing the reliability of the structure and ensuring this complies with national norms. Problems arise in complex ...
Reference: ISGSR 2011 - Vogt, Schuppener, Straub & Bräu (eds) - © 2011 Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau
<div style="text-align: left;">After a brief review of a number of developments of unsaturated soil mechanics, the paper presents some applications to engineering problems. The first case involves the collapse of a residual soil in <div style="text-align: ...
Reference: 5th Asia-Pacific conference on unsaturated soils, Pattaya, Thailand 14-15 November 2011
Causes and impacts of land subsidence at Bandug Basin.
Reference: "FIG Working Week 2011 Bridging the Gap between Cultures Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011"
This paper attempts to estimate the possible rate of land subsidence of Kolkata City including SaltLake City and the adjoining East Kolkata Wetlands located at the lower part of the deltaic alluvialplain of South Bengal basin.
Reference: "J. Earth Syst. Sci. 120, No. 3, June 2011, pp. 435-446 c Indian Academy of Sciences"
<p>The field scale reservoir and overburden are 3D structures with complex material and stress states that cannot be accurately described by traditional 1D methods; Elfen horizon ensures that the geomechanical aspects of the reservoir receive as much attention ...
<p>This program is used for analysis and determination of the shape of subsidence trough above excavations and to evaluate the damage to buildings situated in the affected area.</p>
Software by  Carlson
Generate isopachs and subsidence based on depth of mining, geological charateristics, and mine design parameters. SDPS is a niche program developed through the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) and Carlson Software is the ...
Filed under: Mining Software -  General
<p>The BOR-EX allows for measurements of precise longitudinal dis-placements in rock, soil and concrete structures. Typically it is used for monitoring settlement in foundations, subsidence above tunnels, displacements of retaining structures, and deformations ...
<p>The BOR-EX allows for measurements of precise longitudinal dis-placements in rock, soil and concrete structures. Typically it is used for monitoring settlement in foundations, subsidence above tunnels, displacements of retaining structures, and deformations ...
<p>Stainless steel reference points are permanently installed at measurement stations along the tunnel or structure. To obtain a measurement, the operator stretches the tape between two reference points, hooking the free end of the tape to one point and the ...
<p>The magnet extensometer is used to monitor settlement and heave in excavations, foundations, dams, and embankments. It can also be installed behind retaining structures, such as sheet piles and slurry walls, and above underground openings, such as tunnels ...
<p>The rod extensometer monitors changes in the distance between one or more downhole anchors and a reference head at the borehole collar. Components of a rod extensometer include anchors, rods with protective tubing, and a reference head. The anchors, with ...
<p>The Sondex Settlement System is used to monitor settlement and heave in excavations, foundations, dams, and embankments. It can also be installed behind retaining structures, such as sheet piles and slurry walls, and above underground openings, such as ...
Science Daily   15 June 2016   USA   Texas  
<p>Two giant sinkholes that sit between two West Texas oil patch towns are growing -- and two new ones appear to be lurking, say geophysicists. Satellite radar images reveal substantial ground movement in and around the infamous sinkholes near Wink, Texas ...
Filed under: Natural Hazards
Science Daily   20 August 2015   USA   California  
<p>As Californians continue pumping groundwater in response to the historic drought, the California Department of Water Resources has released a new NASA report showing land in the San Joaquin Valley is sinking faster than ever before, nearly 2 inches (5 centimeters) ...
Filed under: Natural Hazards