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<p>This document aims to offer a guide to the methods for tunnel face stability assessment in mechanized tunnelling and to provide a best practice guideline for face support pressure calculations. Furthermore, the document intends to help with the choice between ...
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Tunnel Engineering -
Mechanized Tunneling
German Tunnelling Committee (ITA-AITES)
<p>An optimization model was developed to obtain the ideal values of the primary support parameters of tunnels, which are wide-ranging in high-speed railway design codes when the surrounding rocks are at the III, IV, and V levels. First, several sets of experiments ...
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Tunnel Engineering -
Tunnel Design
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 8 (3) (2015) 201-209
<p>Stability and potential failure mode of tunnels and underground rock caverns are directly related to the magnitude and orientation of the in-situ rock stress. In some cases, the high horizontal in-situ stress is essential in maintaining cavern stability, ...
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Rock Mechanics -
Rock Behavior
VietRock 2015 International Workshop - an ISRM Specialised Conference, 12-13March 2015, Hanoi, Vietnam
Salimi Α.
Moormann C.
et al.
<p>With widespread increasing applications of mechanized tunneling in almost all ground conditions, prediction of tunnel boring machine (TBM) performance is required for time planning, cost control and choice of excavation method in order to make tunneling ...
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Tunnel Engineering -
Mechanized Tunneling
11th Iranian and 2nd Regional Tunnelling Conference “Tunnels and the Future” 2-5 November 2015
<p>This paper shows the results of the analysis of the data acquired during the excavation of the new “Fabriano” Tunnel along the railway line from Rome to Ancona in Italy. The comparison between the results of the analyses and the consolidation ...
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Tunnel Engineering -
Tunnel Design
Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2014 – Tunnels for a better Life. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil
<p>Flysch formations are generally characterised by evident heterogeneity in the presence of low strength and tectonically disturbed structures. The complexity of these geological materials demands a more specialized geoengineering characterisation. <br />In ...
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Tunnel Engineering -
Tunnel Rock Behavior - Classification
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 6 (2014) 227-239
<p>Increasing demand on infrastructures increases attention to shallow soft ground tunneling methods in urbanized areas. Especially in metro tunnel excavations, due to their large diameters, it is important to control the surface settlements observed before ...
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Tunnel Engineering -
Ground - Structure Interaction
Environ Earth Sci., DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-2214-x
<p>Generally, two-pass lining systems are used for transportation tunnels constructed using the New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM). The initial lining can support a significant portion of the long-term ground loads and thus reduce the design loads on the ...
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Tunnel Engineering -
Tunnel Design
<p>This paper aims to summarize all the main criteria to carry out the design and supervision of in situ concrete lining. It is shown what are the main points to make it easier the supervision. Once excavation, support and waterproofing phases are finished, ...
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Tunnel Engineering -
Tunnel Final Lining
World Tunnel Congress 2013 Geneva, Underground the way to the future
Divall S.
Goodey R. J.
et al.
<p>The expansion of urban populations comes with an associated demand for increased public transport. An often utilised solution is to construct a rapid transit system within tunnels. Generally, a pair of tunnels are constructed within relative close proximity. ...
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Tunnel Engineering -
Ground - Structure Interaction
Eurofuge 2012
Software by
<p>RocSupport is an analysis tool for estimating the support requirements of tunnels in weak rock. Rock-support interaction analysis allows you to quickly run parametric analyses for different support types and rock parameters. It can provide valuable information ...
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Underground Design Software -
Tunnel Analysis - Design
Software by
<p>UnWedge is a 3D stability analysis and visualization program for underground excavations in rock containing intersecting structural discontinuities. It analyzes intersecting discontinuities for tunnel excavation projects and provides visualization of models ...
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Underground Design Software -
Tunnel Analysis - Design
<p>The OMNIAlog has been designed “in house” by Sisgeo and is the result of over 25 years experience using different datalogger in geotechnical field.<br>OMNIAlog is a versatile, cost effective and low powered datalogger supporting vibrating wire and all major ...
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Monitoring -
<p>The Model 3000 Load Cell is made from an annulus of high-strength steel or aluminum, with electrical resistance strain gages in a Wheatstone Bridge configuration. The load cell is designed primarily for use on tiebacks and rockbolts, although they may be ...
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Monitoring -
Stress - Pressure
<p>Compact and lightweight ground penetrating radar<br /><br />RIS ONE and RIS PLUS are the most compact and lightweight antennas available on the market. Gain increased acquisition speed through a high stacking factor as well as improved penetration depth ...
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Ground Investigation -
Geophysical Exploration
<p>The Vibrating Wire Load Cell is designed to directly measure load in piles, rock bolts and between tunnel supports, as well as tension in cable anchors. The load cell comprises a set of up to six Vibrating Wire gauges mounted parallel to the cell axis and ...
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Monitoring -
Stress - Pressure
<p>A Push-in Pressure Cell, also called Spade Cell, is designed to be pushed into the ground where it can measure total earth pressure and pore water pressure within the soil. It can be used as a site investigation tool to determine the in situ stress state, ...
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Monitoring -
Stress - Pressure
<p>Tunnelling on the Forrestfield-Airport link is progressing, hitting milestones with tunnel boring machine (TBM) Grace launched and underground, and TBM Sandy to follow soon.</p>
<p>The Forrestfield site now houses facilities to support the machines, including ...
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Construction News
<p>The ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress is the world's leading tunnelling event, bringing together tunnel and underground space experts and professionals from all around the world. It is the one tunnelling event you cannot miss! Join over 2000 engineers and ...
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Conferences - Workshops
<p>Two engineering teams have signed contracts to provide consultancy services and technical support for the Fehmarnbelt Tunnel project linking Germany and Denmark.</p>
<p>Ramboll-Arup-TEC JV will provide developer Femern with technical consultancy services ...
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Construction News
<p>Stretching over 15 miles, Norway's Lærdal Tunnel has been the longest road tunnel in the world since it was built in the 1990s. <br><br>Now, the country is trying to construct the world's first tunnel for ships — which would see between 70 and 120 vessels ...
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Construction News
<p>UAE prime minister Mohammed bin Rashid has approved construction of a new AED500m (£109m) link road.</p>
<p>The 12km road linking Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Road and Emirates Road involves the construction of four interchanges including a tunnel and ...
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Construction News
<p>The fastest way to grow your business with the leading conference in Tunneling.<br>Attend WTC April 22-28, 2016 | San Francisco, CA<br>WTC is the #1 Conference supporting Tunneling<br>Attended by more than 2,500 tunneling professionals,<br>ITA-AITES WTC ...
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Conferences - Workshops
<p>The French Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (AFTES) was established in 1972. Its aim is to unite and mobilise all players in the profession: investors, project owners, project managers, design firms and inspection bodies, research and training ...
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