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Searching Geotechpedia for shear strength
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Brown I.R.
Wood P.J.
et al.
<p>Using a software package that can be used for either three or two-dimensional (2D) slope stability analyses of the same model we analyse the stability of columns (3D) or slices (2D) overlying a shear failure surface. The failure surface can be any shape, ...
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Mining Engineering -
Mine Slope Stability
APSSIM 2016, Brisbane, Australia
<p>Soil nailing is an effective stabilizing method for slopes and excavations and has beenwidely used worldwide. It is a reinforcing method using the shear strength of in-situground and the pull-out resistance of soil nailing. Research on numerical schemes ...
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Soil Mechanics -
Earth Retaining Structures
Measurement 73 (2015) 341–351
<p>This paper presents the shear strength study of a saturated and unsaturated lateritic tropical soil, via triaxial compression tests on undisturbed (loose) and compacted soil samples. The shear strength of the soil increases hyperbolically with increasing ...
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Soil Mechanics -
Soil Compaction
EJGE, Vol. 20 [2015], Bund. 1
Thiel R.
Kavazanjian E.
et al.
<p>This paper presents a methodology for designing side slope liner systems to accommodate downdrag due to waste settlement. Settlement and downdrag along steep-lined slopes in landfills and other waste or mining containment facilities (e.g. heap leach pads, ...
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Environmental Geoengineering -
Geosynthetics in Waste
Proceedings for Tenth International Conference on Geosynthetics (ICG 10), Berlin, Germany, Sep 21-25, 2014.
<p>Slope is an exposed ground surface that stands at an angle with the horizontal. Slopes are required in the construction of highway and railway embankments, earth dams, levees, canals etc., and are generally less expensive. Failure of natural slopes and ...
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Soil Mechanics -
Soil Slope Stability
201 4 International Conference on Geological and Civil Engineering IPCBEE vol. 62 ( 2014) © (2014 ) IACSIT Press, Singapore
Sartain N.
Leboeuf D.
et al.
<p>A site in Châteauguay, south of Montréal, Québec, Canada, was investigated as part of the design of a significant infrastructure project. A loose marine silt layer present at the site was found to be susceptible to liquefaction using ...
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Earthquake Engineering -
Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul Aug. 25-29, 2014
Mohtar C. S. El.
Bobet A.
et al.
<p>Ottawa sand specimens premixed with 0, 3, and 5% bentonite by dry mass of sand were tested under undrained static and cyclic loading to investigate the effects of bentonite on the static and cyclic shear strength of the sand. The results show that allowing ...
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Earthquake Engineering -
2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Gazetas G.
Anastasopoulos I.
et al.
<p>The response of surface foundations to large overturning moments is studied under undrained conditions. Rigid circular, strip, and rectangular footings of various aspect ratios are considered, with the soil modeled as an inelastic homogeneous deposit, characterized ...
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Soil Mechanics -
Shallow Foundation
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
In Mid 2011, during the 2010-2012 Canterbury earthquake sequence, a site investigation programme was undertaken within the Christchurch CBD to characterise the engineering behaviour of the soils responsible for the observed ground performance. This paper presents ...
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Engineering Geology -
Geological Investigation
NZSEE Annual Technical Conference & AGM, 13-15 April 2012, Christchurch
Novakov D.
Ashby D.
et al.
A seismic improvement works were completed on Market Road Underpass (MRU) in Auckland. The bridge consists of three structures: The Underpass, the Motorway Off-ramp and the Rail Overbridge. In the NZTA’s "Seismic Screening" of all state highway bridges MRU ...
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Earthquake Engineering -
Seismic Mitigation and Design
NZSEE Annual Technical Conference & AGM, 13-15 April 2012, Christchurch
Software by
VJ Tech
<p>Clisp Studio csSimpleShear comes with the easiest test creation and setup of any Geotechnical software package available today. Choose the test type you require, select the appropriate Standard and proceed through the steps of the wizard, initially setting ...
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Geotechnical Investigation Software -
Laboratory Testing
Software by
VJ Tech
<p>Clisp Studio csRingShear comes with the easiest test creation and setup of any Geotechnical Shear software package available today. Choose the Ring Shear test type, name the Test, select the appropriate Standard and proceed through the steps of the wizard, ...
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Geotechnical Investigation Software -
Laboratory Testing
Software by
VJ Tech
<p>Clisp Studio csShear comes with the easiest test creation and setup of any Geotechnical Shear software package available today. Choose between Direct or Residual test type, select the appropriate Standard and proceed through the steps of the wizard, initially ...
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Geotechnical Investigation Software -
Laboratory Testing
Software by
<p>Features of EjgeSoft BearCap©<br />- Both types of factor of safety (Load and shear strength) can be used,<br />- Eccentric and inclined loadings are considered,<br />- Variable GWT level, different side and foundation soils,<br />- Terzaghi, Meyerhof, ...
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Geotechnical Design Software -
Shallow Foundation
Software by
<p>PERFORM-3D includes the following element types:<br />- Frame element for beams, columns and braces.<br />- Wall element for shear walls.<br />- Slab element for floors.<br />- Bar elements (with only axial stiffness) of various types.<br />- Buckling restrained ...
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Structural Software -
Software by
<p>RocPlane is an easy-to-use tool for planar wedge stability analysis and design. A useful tool for geotechnical engineers analyzing bench stability in open pit mines and rock slopes. It defines planar wedge models and visualizes them in 2D and 3D. Using ...
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Geotechnical Design Software -
Slope Stability
Software by
<p>RS2 is a 2D finite element method software developed for excavations, slopes, settlements, and more. It accurately captures several aspects of soil behaviour and geotechnical problems and employs FEM modeling to identify the stress-strain component of soil ...
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Numerical Analysis Software -
Geotechnical Finite Element Analysis
Software by
<p>RS3 is a finite element analysis program for underground excavations, surface excavation, foundation design, embarkments, consolidation, and support design. It performs advanced 3D analysis of geotechnical structures for civil and mining applications and ...
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Numerical Analysis Software -
General Finite Element Analysis
Software by
<p>Slide3 is an advanced three-dimensional LEM slope stability analysis software. Slide3’s full 3D analysis features include complex geology, anisotropic materials, loading, and support.</p>
<p><strong>Block Model Import</strong>: Helps you generate ...
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Geotechnical Design Software -
Slope Stability
Software by
<p>SWedge is a quick and simple-to-use analysis tool for evaluating the geometry and stability of surface wedges in rock slopes. It evaluates the geometry and stability of surface wedges in rock slope and defines tetrahedral (or pentahedral) surface wedge ...
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Geotechnical Design Software -
Slope Stability
This microprocessor based advanced model, is a stand-alone machine, driven by a high-resolution stepper motor with epicyclical reduction gear with reduced backlash. Incorporate a pneumatic closed loop system for the automatic application of the axial pressure ...
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Laboratory Testing -
Soil Testing
The Torshear machine is dedicated to the determination of the residual shear strength. The residual shear strength of soils is sometimes also termed the ultimate shear strength. This is the strength of soil when it is sheared to large displacements, for example ...
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Laboratory Testing -
Soil Testing
<p>Designed to evaluate soil trafficability and manufactured to Corps of Engineers specifications. The factory calibrated dial indicator reads directly in psi. Includes 30 degree cone with 1/2 sq. in. base area; 150 Ib capacity proving ring; a dial indicator ...
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Laboratory Testing -
Soil Testing
<p>The test is based on the relationship between the moisture content at which clay soils pass from a plastic to a liquid state. This value is obtained from the penetration capacity of the standard cone allowed to free fall into the sample for a period of ...
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Laboratory Testing -
Soil Testing
The Cone Penetrometer is used to carry on liquid limit tests onsoil samples. It is a static test depending on the soil shear strength. The test is based on the relationship between moisture content and the penetration of a cone into the soil sample under pre-set ...
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Laboratory Testing -
Soil Testing
<p>Designed to evaluate soil trafficability and manufactured to Corps of Engineers specifications. The factory calibrated dial indicator reads directly in psi. Includes 30 degree cone with 1/2 sq. in. base area; 150 Ib capacity proving ring; a dial indicator ...
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Laboratory Testing -
Soil Testing
<p>The H-4202X DCP Test Set without an auger set. The H-4202 set includes; (1) standard hammer assembly (H-4202.1), (1) heat-treated 45° cone penetrometer point with a 1 ft. adapter rod (H-4202.3), (4) 2.5 ft. E drill rod extensions (H-4202.225). The Dynamic ...
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Laboratory Testing -
Soil Testing
This test cover the determination of the consolidated drained shear strength of a soil material in direct shear. The Digishear machine, with digital control and display of speed, is driven by a high resolution stepper motor and worm reduction unit. Can accommodate ...
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Laboratory Testing -
Soil Testing
<p>The HS-4210 Digital, Static Cone Penetrometer (DSCP), with its large, digital readout, makes testing and recording readings easy. The DSCP can be used to evaluate soil consistency by determining the soil's level of compaction and/or the bearing capacity. ...
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Laboratory Testing -
Soil Testing
<p>The ShearTrac II system is capable of performing consolidation and shearing phase of a standard direct shear and residual shear test under full automatic control.</p><p>Applicable Test Standards</p><p>ASTM D3080/T236 Direct Shear testing of soils under ...
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Laboratory Testing -
Soil Testing
<p>The results have been released of an investigation into the cause of the partial collapse a multi-storey car park under construction in the Netherlands. The collapse happened at Eindhoven Airport on 27 May 2017.</p><p>The parking structure was constructed ...
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Disasters & Failures