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Uniaxial (UX) Geogrids

In grade separation applications, Uniaxial Geogrids are used to help soils stand at virtually any desired angle; from 0 to 90 degrees. Geogrids can be combined with a wide variety of facing elements in retaining wall and slope applications to produce the desired structural or aesthetic conditions for any project.

Geogrid Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls
Geogrid reinforced soil retaining walls offer economical and aesthetically pleasing alternatives to conventional retaining wall systems. The geogrid reinforced fill zone behind the wall facing acts as a uniform mass or block, providing stability to the wall and structure. Geogrids work with a wide variety of fill materials and facing elements including segmental concrete blocks, concrete panels, geogrid wraps, timbers or boulders.

Geogrid Reinforced Slopes
Geogrid reinforced slopes provide a natural and economical alternative to conventional concrete retaining walls. Geogrid reinforced slopes create naturally finished slope structures that are easy to construct and enhance property values because of their natural beauty. Geogrid reinforced slopes can be built at any angle to provide the most economical use of available space while avoiding the increased cost of vertical structures.

The construction of embankments, bridge approach fills, dikes and causeways over soft soils and wetlands traditionally involves expensive, time consuming construction methods. Geogrid reinforcement of these structures minimizes the project footprint, fill requirements and differential settlement, saving time and money.


Nilex Inc.
6810 8 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6P 0C5

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