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Publications tagged with [pollutant]

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<p>Penetration of chemicals in the soil ground through irrigation water or rainfall induces important risks for the environment. These risks are badly known and may lead to direct contamination of the environment (atmosphere or ground water) or harmful effects ...
Reference: Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 2014, 6, 1238-1247
<p>The policy analysis and management implications for achieving landfill equilibrium status within a sustainable timescale (decades rather than centuries) are presented based on modelled results reported previously. Until relatively recently, timescale estimates ...
Reference: Environmental Technology, Vol 27, No 12, December 2006, pp. 1309-1321
This report is a study Study of Pollutant Spillage and Electrokinetic Soil Remediation. The proposal for this work outlined a research programm separated in four parts as follows:(i) design and development ...
Reference: "CUED/D-SOILS/TR.302 September 1996"