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CLiq v.2.0 – CPT liquefaction software

CPT liquefaction software CLiq is more advanced than the CPT section of the current LiqIT software and provides users an easy to use graphical environment specifically tailored for Cone Penetration Test data (CPT and CPTU). Our new soil liquefaction software addresses advanced issues such as cyclic softening in clay-like soils and thin layer/layer transition zone detection. CLiq provides results and plots for each calculation step, starting with the basic CPT data interpretation through to final plots of factor of safety, liquefaction potential index and post-earthquake displacements, both vertical settlement and lateral displacements. CLiq provides consistent output results by applying the state-of-the-art NCEER method (Youd et al, 2001) along with the calibrated procedures for post-earthquake displacements by Zhang et al (2002 & 2004). It also includes the latest assessment procedure developed by Robertson (2009) which is applicable to all soil type combining a check for cyclic liquefaction (sands) and cyclic softening (clays).

Main Characteristics
    Concise results based on the Youd et al. (2001) CPT procedure
    Latest assessment procedure based on Robertson (2009) applicable to all soil types (cyclic liquefaction and cyclic softening)
    Additional analysis option according to Boulanger & Idriss (2014), Idriss & Boulanger (2008) or Moss et al. (2006)
    Imports raw CPTU data from any ASCII text file
    Supports input and output in both the SI and Imperial unit systems
    Basic interpretation results based on the comprehensive review by Lunne, Robertson, Powell (1997) and Robertson (2009, 2010)
    Tabular presentation of all steps of the liquefaction assessment procedure
    Graphical presentation of all steps of the liquefaction assessment procedure
    Parametric analysis tool
    2D plain map creation feature for LPI or vertical settlements
    Analytic reports

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