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Publications by [Iannacchione A. T.]
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Murphy M. M.
Iannacchione A. T.
et al.
Examination of seismic records during the time interval of the Sago Mine disaster in 2006 revealed a small amplitude signal possibly associated with an event in the mine. More needs to be understood about the seismicity from mine explosions in order to properly ...
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Mining Engineering -
Mine Monitoring
2008 SME Annual Meeting and Exhibit, February 24-27, Salt Lake City, Utah
Coal mine bursts have represented a major hazard for U.S. mining operations for more than 90 years. During this time, many prevention controls have been developed and tested. This paper reviews 11 prevention control techniques. Although coal mine bursts are ...
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Mining Engineering -
Underground Mining
27th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, July 29 - July 31, 2008
Esterhuizen G. S.
Dolinar D. R.
et al.
Limestone formations in the United States can be subject to relatively high horizontal stresses owing to the existence of tectonic loading of the limestone strata. Underground limestone mines use the room-and-pillar method, in which 12- to 18-m-wide rooms ...
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Mining Engineering -
Mine Rock Support
6th International Symposium on Ground Support in Mining and Civil Engineering Construction, Edrs: T. R. Stacey and D. F. Malan
Iannacchione A. T.
Esterhuizen G. S.
et al.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) evaluated microseismic activity from three field sites to compare and contrast the characteristics of microseismic emissions from very different geologic, stress, and mining environments. Recently, ...
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Mining Engineering -
Mine Monitoring
40th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, Anchorage, AK, June 25-29, 2005. Alexandria
This paper presents an overview of the most significant ground control hazards facing today's mineworkers. Analysis of recent fatality investigations and accident statistics identified certain job categories, mining techniques, and geologic environments that ...
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Mining Engineering -
Underground Mining
31st Annual Institute of Mining Health, Safety and Research, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Department of Mining and Minerals Engineering, 2000
Underground stone mining is an emerging sector of the U.S. mining industry. As this expansion takes mines under deeper cover, and as more efficient mining methods are utilized, effective stone pillar design methods will become even more important. Current ...
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Mining Engineering -
Underground Mining
Inst Min Metall, Trans, Sect A: Min Ind, 1999 Dec
Mark C.
Heisley K. A.
et al.
<p>Pillar design is the first line of defense against rock falls—the greatest single safety hazard faced by underground coal miners in the United States and abroad. To help advance the state of the art in this fundamental mining science, the National ...
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Mining Engineering -
Mine Design
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Coal Pillar Mechanics and Design, Information Circular 9448
This research has attempted to construct the stress and convergence profiles of the pillar in order to evaluate the ultimate strength, pillar deformation modulus, visco-elastic deformation, and violent failure characteristics during longwall mining. This information ...
Filed under:
Mining Engineering -
Mine Rock Behavior - Classification
Rockbursts and Seismicity in Mines. Fairhurst C., ed., A. A. Balkema, 1990 Aug