Your single point of reference for all your Geotechnical Inquiries
EgjeSoft BearCap
Software by
Features of EjgeSoft BearCap©
- Both types of factor of safety (Load and shear strength) can be used,
- Eccentric and inclined loadings are considered,
- Variable GWT level, different side and foundation soils,
- Terzaghi, Meyerhof, and Vesic methods; just click to change, results change immediately,
- Change any parameter and Enter/Click for immediate re-calculation,
- Both SI and old English unit systems; click a button to instantly convert all data and results, in both directions,
- Windows Help file (includes the theory and the formulas used),
- Nicely formatted printer output.
- Reverse problem (find B and L for a given F.S.) NEW '04
- Hansen and Caquot-Kerisel methods added NEW '05
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