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Software tagged with [subsidence]
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AMSS is a software program that helps to identify the location and likely severity of multiple seam interactions. Multiple seam interactions are a major ground control hazard in many US underground coal mines. The two most common types of interactions are:<ul><li>Undermining, ...
Software by
Rockfield Software Ltd.
<p>The field scale reservoir and overburden are 3D structures with complex material and stress states that cannot be accurately described by traditional 1D methods; Elfen horizon ensures that the geomechanical aspects of the reservoir receive as much attention ...
Software by
Fine Civil Engineering
<p>This program is used for analysis and determination of the shape of subsidence trough above excavations and to evaluate the damage to buildings situated in the affected area.</p>
Software by
Generate isopachs and subsidence based on depth of mining, geological charateristics, and mine design parameters. SDPS is a niche program developed through the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) and Carlson Software is the ...