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<p>This thesis aims to analyze soil and shallow foundations of buildings to reach the optimal type should be used to minimize cost with control over quality. Also, suggested a new sustainable material mixture for the three regions of Iraq. Mosul, Baghdad ...
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Soil Mechanics -
Shallow Foundation
Hussain G.
Singh Y.
et al.
<p>The national highways are always considered as the economic backbone of the country and have often assisted development work all along their routes. The National Highway (NH-1D) is the most strategic and the only all weather surface link between the two ...
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Rock Mechanics -
Rock Slope Stability
Geomaterials, 2015, 5, 56-67
<p>This guidance document is intended to be used by VTrans Geotechnical Engineering staff. The secondary audience is the Consultant community who provide geotechnical engineering services to VTrans and whose services are reviewed by the Geotechnical Engineering ...
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Soil Mechanics -
Soil Slope Stability
VTrans GEI 14 - 01
<p>The purpose of this chapter is to identify, either by reference or explicitly herein, appropriate methods of soil and rock property assessment, and how to use that soil and rock property data to establish the final soil and rock parameters to be used for ...
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Engineering Geology -
Geological Investigation
NYSDOT Geotechnical Page 6-1 June 17, 2013 Design Manual
Likitlersuang S.
Surarak C.
et al.
<p>Bangkok metropolitan located on thick river soft clay deposit has recently construction project on mass rapid transit underground railway (MRT). This paper presents a finite element study on the Bangkok MRT underground construction project. The Sukhumvit ...
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Soil Mechanics -
Numerical Methods
Soils and Foundations Volume 53, Issue 5, October 2013, Pages 756–773
<p>Fly ash is a major by-product of thermal power plants that adversely affects land, water, and air. Its gainful utilization in many areas is being continuously explored. Use of fly ash in opencast coal mine haul road construction is one such option. This ...
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Engineering Geology -
Geological Materials
Coal Combustion and Gasification Products 5, 49-56
Yunusa G. H.
Hamza U.
et al.
<p>The formation of cracks in structural elements and other parts of a building such as walls is often unavoidable; that is why some standard of practice specify the maximum allowable width of cracks depending on the type and exposure conditions of a structure. ...
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Soil Mechanics -
Soil Investigation
EJGE Vol. 18 [2013], Bund. N
Uzarowski L.
Rizvi R.
et al.
<p>Churchill Falls Airport is located in Churchill Falls, Labrador and is owned and operated by Nalcor Energy Company. The airside pavements at the airport include Runway 13-31, Taxiway Alpha and an apron. There is relatively limited aircraft traffic at the ...
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Pavement -
Pavement Design
2013 Conference of the Transportation Association of Canada Winnipeg, Manitoba
Kavvadas M.
Agioutantis Z.
et al.
<p>This paper presents a case of a lignite mine in Northern Greece with excavated slopes exceeding 100-120m in depth in which substantial movement is occurring, with an average rate 10-20mm/day. The Mavropigi mine is very important for the power supply of ...
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Mining Engineering -
Mine Monitoring
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris, September 2-6 2013, ICSMGE, 2193-2196
Robinson K.
Bradley B. A.
et al.
The 4 September 2010 Darfield and 22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquakes caused significant damage to Christchurch and surrounding suburbs as a result of the widespread liquefaction and lateral spreading that occurred. Ground surveying-based field investigations ...
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Earthquake Engineering -
NZSEE Annual Technical Conference & AGM, 13-15 April 2012, Christchurch
Software by
Geosysta Ltd
<p>Drillysis is a cloud based <strong>borehole log database</strong>, which can be accessed from any device (PC, Laptop, tablet or smartphone) from anywhere, requiring just an internet connection.</p>
<p>Drillysis in its core is a <strong>borehole log application</strong>, ...
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Geotechnical Investigation Software -
Graphical Data Presentation
Software by
<p>CPeT-IT is an easy to use yet detailed software package for the interpretation of Cone Penetration Test (CPTu) data. CPeT-IT is the result of a collaborative effort with Gregg Drilling Inc., a leading company in geotechnical site investigation and cone ...
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Geotechnical Investigation Software -
In Situ Testing
Software by
<p>CPeT-IT is an easy to use yet detailed software package for the interpretation of <strong>Cone Penetration Test</strong> (CPTu) data. CPeT-IT is the result of a collaborative effort with Gregg Drilling Inc., a leading company in geotechnical site investigation ...
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Geotechnical Investigation Software -
In Situ Testing
Software by
Fine Civil Engineering
<p>Site Investigation is a module used for professional data reporting from the GEO5 Stratigraphy program. It provides many different pre-defined data reports from site investigation results (boreholes, SPTs, CPTs, DPTs etc.) and reports of created geological ...
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Geotechnical Investigation Software -
Graphical Data Presentation
Software by
Fine Civil Engineering
<p>The GEO5 Stratigraphy program is designed to assess results from site investigation (boreholes, CPTs, SPTs, etc.), generate 2D or 3D geological models and export cross sections and geological profiles into GEO5 design programs. </p>
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Geology Software -
Graphical Data Presentation
Software by
GeoStru Software
<p>Computation of the geotechnical volume according to: Lancellotta and Calavera, Induced stresses, Eurocode 7.</p>
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Geotechnical Investigation Software -
In Situ Testing
Software by
<p>SPAS 2016 is a simple seismic signal processing and seismic analysis software. It reads seismic data acquired during a CPTUs measurement (or downhole test) and creates the profile of the shear waves velocity (Vs) or compression waves (Vp) for that measurement. ...
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Geotechnical Design Software -
Seismic Analysis & Design
Software by
<p>SPile is a software program for the estimation of single pile bearing capacity from field SPT data. This program is a result of the hard work of several foundation engineers, over one thousand pile load tests results and many successful projects.<br />SPile ...
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Geotechnical Design Software -
Deep Foundation
<p>The OMNIAlog has been designed “in house” by Sisgeo and is the result of over 25 years experience using different datalogger in geotechnical field.<br>OMNIAlog is a versatile, cost effective and low powered datalogger supporting vibrating wire and all major ...
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Monitoring -
<p>2D monitoring for movements and displacements<br /><br />The IBIS-FL interferometric radar is a highly innovative technology for 2D monitoring of displacements and movements in slopes and structures. Required to prevent or forecast natural disasters that ...
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Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement
<p>The Dando Jackal 9000 is a truly multipurpose drilling rig incorporating a pullback capacity of 10,000kg within a lightweight and compact structure.<br>Designed for use in water well, mineral exploration, geotechnical investigation and geothermal (GSHP) ...
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Ground Investigation -
Drilling Equipment
<p>The Dando Multitec 9000 is a truly multitpurpose drilling rig incorperating a pullback capacity of 10,000kg within a lightweight and compact structure. Designed for use in water well, mineral exploration, geotechnical investigation and geothermal (GSHP) ...
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Ground Investigation -
Drilling Equipment
<p>The developers behind the sinking Millennium Tower paid for an independent review of the tower itself before it was built, but not of the site it sits on, according to new testimony at City Hall on Thursday.</p>
<p>The Government Audit and Oversight Committee ...
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Disasters & Failures
<p>Advanced Construction Technology Services (ACTS), a leading consulting organisation in the field of construction materials and geotechnical engineering, said it has completed geotechnical investigations and geophysical surveys on five construction packages ...
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Construction News
<p>Three holes will be drilled into New Plymouth's crust in an effort to better understand the landscape of earthquakes.<br />The New Plymouth District Council has announced it will be drilling "three geotechnical bores" to provide an analysis of the underlying ...
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Advanced Knowledge
<p>The “Development Phase” of the airport redevelopment project is now underway with a topographical survey ongoing and a geotechnical study that began on Friday [Nov 13].<br />The Government previously said, “Aecon is directing this work ...
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Construction News
<p>A laser scanner used by forensic police to examine crime scenes has now been employed to keep open pit miners safe from collapsing walls. In open cut mines, large walls can collapse without warning, and require constant monitoring from geotechnical engineers. ...
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Advanced Knowledge
<p>Preparatory work has begun on the second Sydney Harbour rail crossing intended to ease traffic congestion on the streets. Premier, Mike Baird said geotechnical drilling would occur up to 70 metres below Sydney Harbour in the coming weeks to help determine ...
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Construction News
<p>A geotechnical site containing geotechnical standards and codes and info about geotechnical instrumentation.</p>
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