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Magnetic Extensometers
The GEO-XM settlement system is used typically to monitor settlement or heave in foundations, excavations and embankments. Settlement is identified at the depth/position where the settlement has occurred and as well as measuring the total amount of settlement. The system comprises a central access tube along which magnetic targets are positioned at various locations. Settlement is measured by the relative position of the magnetic targets using a Reed Switch Probe lowered down through the central access casing. There are several variations to suit individual applications:
- GXM-100: Central access tubing and spider magnets for use in boreholes
- GXM-100P: Central access tubing and settlement plates for use in fill
- GXM-100T: Central access tubing with telescopic joints for larger movement
- GXM-200: Combined settlement/heave and inclination using inclinometer casing as the access tubing with spider magnets
- GXM-200P: Combined settlement/heave and inclination using inclinometer casing as the access tubing with settlement plates
- GXM-200T: Combined settlement/heave and inclination using inclinometer casing with telescopic joints for larger movement
- GXM-300: Central access tubing de-bonded by an outer corrugated pipe with magnetic targets
- GXM-300i: Combined settlement/heave and inclination using inclinometer casing as the access tubing de-bonded by an outer corrugated pipe with magnetic targets
Geosense Ltd
Nova House
Rougham Industrial Estate
Rougham, Bury St Edumunds
Suffolk IP30 9ND
T +44 (0)1359 270457
F +44 (0)1359 272860