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Equipment tagged with [Extensometers]

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<p>Borros Type Hydraulic Anchor: For use in soft soils and clays, especially in augered boreholes. Can also be driven directly through soft ground without a borehole being required (please see the Model 1950 data sheet).<br /><br />Groutable Anchor: The preferred ...
<p>Magnet extensometer is a system – based on British Building Research technique – for measuring either settlement or heave at various depths in soil, embankments, earthfill dams and dikes.<br><br>The system consists of access tube with external corrugate ...
<p>Convergence Extensometers allow to monitor the changes in the distance between two anchor points.<br>Typical applications include convergence monitoring in tunnels, caverns, underground mining and structural health monitoring. <br>The convergence Extensometer ...
<p>Sisgeo measuring anchors are designed as an instrumented rockbolt; they are composed by four iron rods anchored every 1/4 of the grouted instrument length, a 38mm OD tube and a measuring head.<br />Replacement of typical working anchors with measuring anchors ...
<p>Stainless steel reference points are permanently installed at measurement stations along the tunnel or structure. To obtain a measurement, the operator stretches the tape between two reference points, hooking the free end of the tape to one point and the ...
<p>Fixed extensometer is usually defined as device placed in embankment fill or inside borehole for monitoring of settlement or heave between two points without use of a removable probe.<br>Either the Settlement Platform and the Tell-Tale extensometer are ...
<p>INCREX consists of a mobile extensometer probe cabled to a readout unit via a cable reel. The probe is fitted with two high precision induction coils at its ends set at one metre apart. Special metal rings are fitted to the outside of the ABS inclinometer ...
<p>The Model 1900 Magnetic Extensometer is designed to measure settlement or heave of soft ground under the influence of loading or unloading due to the construction of embankments, fills, buildings, foundations, and structures. A probe is lowered inside a ...
This apparatus used for determining the length changes was originally designed for use on concrete structures, but can also be conveniently used for any other type of structure including steel. The test set includes the extensometer with digital gauge resolution ...
<p>MEXID extensometers are used to monitor displacements of measuring points deeply positioned in grounds or rocks, with reference to the instrument head.<br>The main strength of MEXID is the small drilling diameter: only 50mm (75mm first meter only).<br>MEXID ...