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<p>The Geosense® In-Place Inclinometer System (IPI) measures tilt and is used to calculate rotation and/or displacement in a vertical, inclined, or horizontal orientation. It is available in either a Uniaxial or Biaxial version.</p><p>The system consists of ...
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Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement
<p>The NIVOLIC SG is a high-precision liquid level system designed to measure relative settlement in a multipoint system. It consists of a series of chambers connected together by a liquid line. In each chamber, a weight is suspended to a vibrating wire transducer.</p><div ...
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Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement
<p>Wire deformometers allows to monitor the changes in the distance between two anchor points.<br>Typical applications include measurements of small cracks, convergence monitoring in tunnel and structural deformations.<br>The USB wire deformometer consist ...
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Displacement - Movement
<p>In late 2009 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and National Park Service (NPS) joined into a collaborative research project to investigate the deformation of large, vertically-oriented, granite slabs in response to thermal heating and solar radiation. The ...
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Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement
<p>The 3DeMoN laser is an optical system that measures the flight time of a Class II visible red laser light beam, thus precisely calculating the distance between the module and any kind of surface.</p><p>For distances above 50 – 65m, the use of a reflective ...
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Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement
<p>Borros Type Hydraulic Anchor: For use in soft soils and clays, especially in augered boreholes. Can also be driven directly through soft ground without a borehole being required (please see the Model 1950 data sheet).<br /><br />Groutable Anchor: The preferred ...
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Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement
<p>The Bassett Convergence System is designed for automated monitoring of tunnel deformation. The system is robust, simple and proven. It is most commonly used in transportation tunnels, but can be adapted to monitor other structures. The itmsoil Bassett Convergence ...
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Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement
<p>BoreHole profile in-place inclinometers offer continuous remote monitoring of casings deformed by active soil movements. <br><br>BH profile chain consists of a number of MEMS IPI probes with carbon fiber extension rods and a terminal wheel assembly to close ...
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Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement
<p>Topographic monitoring requires accessories such as bolts, prisms, and targets. Reference bolts are threaded to accept optical targets. Rotary targets can be also mounted on a simple threaded bar or attached to an inexpensive “L” shaped bracket. ...
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Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement
<p>The BOR-EX allows for measurements of precise longitudinal dis-placements in rock, soil and concrete structures. Typically it is used for monitoring settlement in foundations, subsidence above tunnels, displacements of retaining structures, and deformations ...
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Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement