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Publications by [Fielding E. J.]
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Pathier E.
Fielding E. J.
et al.
<p>The 8th October 2005 Kashmir Earthquake Mw 7.6 involved primarily thrust motion on a NE-dipping fault. Sub-pixel correlation of ENVISAT SAR images gives the location of the 80 km-long fault trace (within 300– 800 m) and a 3D surface displacement field ...
Filed under:
Geology -
Structural geology
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 33, L20310, doi:10.1029/2006GL027193, 2006
Fielding E. J.
Wright T. J.
et al.
<p>At depth, many fold-and-thrust belts are composed of a gently dipping, basal thrustfault and steeply dipping, shallower splay faults that terminate beneath folds at the surface.Movement on these buried faults is difficult to observe, but synthetic aperture ...
Filed under:
Geology -
Structural geology
Geology; July 2004; v. 32; no. 7; p. 577-580
Wright T. J.
Parsons B. E
et al.
<p>The 1 October 1995, Ms D 6:1 Dinar earthquake ruptured a 10 km section of the NW-SE Dinar-Civril fault. Thereare discrepancies between the published source parameters from seismic data, with seismic moments in disagreement by over a factor of two. We use ...
Filed under:
Earthquake Engineering -
Seismology & Earthquakes
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 172 (1999) 23-37