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Publications tagged with [underground mines]
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<p>Real time monitoring of process parameters inside the underground or open cast mines in a reliable manner is a technical challenge for the mine industry. Real time monitoring can provide accurate information about different critical mining parameters like ...
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Mining Engineering -
Mine Monitoring
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014
<p>This paper based on continuous monitoring underground coal mines parameter such as carbon monoxide, temperature, water level and use wireless Zigbee technology for communication. A microcontroller based system is used for collecting and storing data using ...
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Mining Engineering -
Mine Monitoring
IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP) Volume 4, Issue 4, Ver. I (Jul-Aug. 2014), PP 32-36
<p>An independent panel of experts was appointed in December 2006, jointly by the NSW Minister for Planning and the Minister for Primary Industries & Energy to review the current status and future implications for underground coal mining in the Southern ...
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Mining Engineering -
Underground Mining
2009 Coal Operators’ Conference
<p>This paper examines the application of the criteria for the alternative choice of underground quarrying in ornamental stone. In these quarries, the rock mass quality is usually good, and in most cases exploitation is carried out by means of open pit methods. ...
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Mining Engineering -
Underground Mining
17th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey- IMCET2001, ©2001, ISBN 975-395-417-4
Mark C.
Heisley K. A.
et al.
<p>Pillar design is the first line of defense against rock falls—the greatest single safety hazard faced by underground coal miners in the United States and abroad. To help advance the state of the art in this fundamental mining science, the National ...
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Mining Engineering -
Mine Design
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Coal Pillar Mechanics and Design, Information Circular 9448