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Equipment tagged with [extensiometers]

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<p>The BOR-EX allows for measurements of precise longitudinal dis-placements in rock, soil and concrete structures. Typically it is used for monitoring settlement in foundations, subsidence above tunnels, displacements of retaining structures, and deformations ...
<p>The CONVEX-D digital tape extensometer basically consists of a steel survey tape with punched holes, loaded on a reel fixed to the body of the instrument.</p><p>Among added features to the CONVEX-D, there is:</p><p>A unique anti-backlash tensioning mechanism ...
<p>The ERI is a fill extensometer designed to monitor longitudinal displacements between two points inside any type of man-made fill. It is usually installed horizontally in trenches. It may also be installed vertically to measure settlement at the point of ...
<p>The Magnetic Extensometer System comprises a probe, a graduated tape on a reel and an access pipe along which magnetic targets are positioned. A datum or reference magnet is fixed to the bottom pipe. The probe design incorporates triple reed switches. As ...
<p>The soil strainmeter employs a potentiometer and a rod mounted between two anchors to monitor horizontal movements of the surrounding soil. These components are linked together so that movement of one anchor relative to the other causes a change in the ...
<p>T-REX Removable Extensometer has been designed by Sisgeo for incremental measurements along the axis of inclinometer casing equipped with targets.<br><br>T-REX probe is equipped with two very accurate linear transducer. Operating cable, placement rods, ...
<p>A chain of successive displacement transducers and anchor beams may be employed to provide a continuous profile of movement. The Extensometer consists of a Vibrating Wire displacement transducer contained within a heavy-duty sealed housing. A telescoping ...