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[Rod Extensometers] Equipment
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<p>The BOR-EX allows for measurements of precise longitudinal dis-placements in rock, soil and concrete structures. Typically it is used for monitoring settlement in foundations, subsidence above tunnels, displacements of retaining structures, and deformations ...
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Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement
<p>The Continuous Rod Extensometer system accurately measures settlement and/or heave at single or multiple anchor points in a borehole and at its reference head. The system employs up to eight rods, anchored along the axis of a borehole, terminating in the ...
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Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement
<p>A low cost, convenient instrument for the monitoring of ground displacements. Designed to withstand severe field conditions and accommodate transverse shear. The unit is supplied completely assembled and sealed for grouting into the borehole. Rod displacement ...
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Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement
<p>The Model A-6 Flexible Rod Extensometer uses continuous lengths of fiberglass rods (inside protective tubing), cut to customer-specified lengths, coiled at the factory and shipped ready for installation. The extensometer is lightweight, making it easier ...
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Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement
<p>INCREX consists of a mobile extensometer probe cabled to a readout unit via a cable reel. The probe is fitted with two high precision induction coils at its ends set at one metre apart. Special metal rings are fitted to the outside of the ABS inclinometer ...
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Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement
<p>Rod extensometers are installed in borehole to monitor displacements at various depths using rods of different material and lengths. A pre-set length of measuring rod is inserted into a nylon tube to avoid soil friction and its tip is fixed to a steel groutable ...
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Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement
<p>The Model A-3 Multiple Point Rod Extensometer is the preferred design for installation in downward directed boreholes which are easily filled with cement grout. Up to eight anchors can be installed, at various depths, in a 76 mm diameter borehole providing ...
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Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement
<p>The Model A-5 Multiple Point Rod Extensometer with Hydraulic Anchors is recommended for use in soft ground and soils or in rock where the borehole may deteriorate. This anchor is very versatile and can be used in boreholes of varying diameter and roughness ...
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Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement
<p>The Model A-4 Multiple Point Rod Extensometer with Snap-Ring Anchors is quickly and easily installed in boreholes in hard or competent rock. Anchors are pushed to the required depth on the end of setting rods and then a cord is pulled to remove the locking ...
Filed under:
Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement
<p>The Model A-6 Flexible Rod Extensometer uses continuous lengths of fiberglass rods (inside protective tubing), cut to customer-specified lengths, coiled at the factory and shipped ready for installation. The extensometer is lightweight, making it easier ...
Filed under:
Monitoring -
Displacement - Movement