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Publications in [Paper - Journal] format
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Marefat V.
Duhaime F.
et al.
<p>This article presents new results from field tests and numerical simulations regarding the performance of fully grouted piezometers under transient flow conditions. The field observations show that using low-permeability grout for piezometer installation ...
Filed under:
Soil Mechanics -
Soil Monitoring
Geotechnical Testing Journal, DOI: 10.1520/GTJ20170290
Canli E.
Mergili M.
et al.
<p>Landslide forecasting and early warning has a long tradition in landslide research and is primarily carried out based on empirical and statistical approaches, e.g., landslide triggering rainfall thresholds. In the last decade, flood forecasting started ...
Filed under:
Engineering Geology -
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 2183–2202, 2018
Alnaimat A.
Choy L. K.
et al.
<p>In Kuala Lumpur to date, there is little evidence to support landslide causes and very little research into the nature of landslide vulnerability. This article takes an interdisciplinary method and empirical approaches to examine, in addition where ...
Filed under:
Engineering Geology -
GEOGRAFIA Online, Malaysian Journal of Society and Space 13 issue 2 (1-12)
<p>Solid waste is the unacceptable or useless solid materials generated from mutually residential, mechanical & commercial activities in a supposing area. Managing the SW deals with the maintenance of healthy environment to remove any waste as early ...
Filed under:
Environmental Geoengineering -
Contaminant - Ground Water
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6, Issue 8, August 2017
Alaamri R. S. N.
Kattiparuthi R. A.
et al.
<p>The aim of this Study is to identify the most common types of cracks and defects which occur in Izki road and suggest suitable option for maintenance. The objectives are to identify different types of cracks & defects, to find out the different ...
Filed under:
Pavement -
Pavement Investigation
International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS), [Vol-3, Issue-7, July-2017]
<p>The presence of dumping grounds in highly urbanized environment directly results into health hazards for the people residing in the surrounding areas. In the past years, these open dumps have become a threat to the local hydrogeology. Groundwater contamination ...
Filed under:
Environmental Geoengineering -
Contaminant - Ground Water
International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences ISSN 0973-6077 Volume 12, Number 11 (2017), pp. 1969-1991
<p>Targeted at a slope in Nanhuan Road, Fuxin, Northeast China, this paper explores the cause and failure mechanism of landslide through site survey, surface displacement monitoring, inclinometer measurement, and limit equilibrium analysis. It is concluded ...
Filed under:
Engineering Geology -
AMSE JOURNALS-AMSE IIETA publication-2017-Series: Modelling B; Vol. 86; N°2; pp 484-501
Morrison S. M.
Liu C.
et al.
<p>A fundamental goal of mineralogy and petrology is the deep understanding of mineral phase relation-ships and the consequent spatial and temporal patterns of mineral coexistence in rocks, ore bodies, sediments, meteorites, and other natural polycrystalline ...
Filed under:
Geology -
Petrology - Minerology
American Mineralogist, Volume 102, pages 1588–1596, 2017
Franco-Ramos Ο.
Stoffel M.
et al.
<p>In this study, dendrogeomorphic techniques are employed to analyse the temporal frequency and spatial distribution of rockfalls on a talus slope of La Teta valley, located on the NW slopes of Cofre de Perote volcano at ~4000 m above sea level. Based on ...
Filed under:
Rock Mechanics -
Rock Falls
Geomorphology 290 (2017) 142–152
Zlatanović E.
Trajković-Milenković M.
et al.
<p>In order to study the effects of a seismically induced tunnel– ground interaction, two-dimensional numerical analyses are performed using the sofware ANSYS. The study employs a coupled beam–spring model subjected to earthquake loading that is ...
Filed under:
Tunnel Engineering -
Ground - Structure Interaction
Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2016