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Geotechnical Design Software

A high variety of geotechnical software can be found in this category. Geotechnical software is defined as software designed especially in order to deal with geotechnical issues such as slope stability, seismic analysis, foundations, e.t.c.

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Software by  GGU  
GGU-LATPILE allows analysis and design of piles subjected to lateral loads and moments.
Software by  GGU  
GGU-Retain allows the dimensioning of sheet pile walls, soldier pile wall , secant pile walls, bored pile walls and diaphragm walls.
Software by  GGU  
The GGU-SLICE program facilitates the analysis of a slope slice to DIN 4084 or in accordance with the Recommendations of the Working Group on ""Geotechnical Aspects of Landfill and Brownfield Sites"" (Geotechnik der Deponien und Altlasten - GDA).
Software by  GGU  
GGU-STABILITY makes it possible to investigate not only slope failure using circular slip surfaces (Bishop or Krey) and polygonal slip surfaces (Janbu), in addition to rigid body failure mechanisms and block sliding methods, but also to dimension soil nailing ...
Software by  GGU  
The GGU-TRENCH program allows the calculation and presentation of inner and outer stability of retaining wall laminae.
Software by  GGU  
The GGU-UNDERPIN program allows the calculation of underpinning bodies and, in special cases, of foundations.
Software by  GGU  
The GGU-VIBRATION Calculation of construction and building vibrations according to IGBE Research Publication No. 61, University of Hannover.
Software by  USGS  
<p>Graizer-Kalkan (2015) ground motion prediction equation (GMPE) is designed to predict peak-ground acceleration and 5% damped pseudo-spectral acceleration response ordinates for shallow-crustal continental earthquakes to be used in earthquake-engineering ...
Software by  Ensoft, Inc.  
<p>The program simulates the behavior of a pile (a slender elastic rod) and the surrounding soil (an elastic, plastic and viscous material) under the impact of a pile driving hammer. Powerful options combine the basic analysis of one hammer blow into the simulation ...
Software by  Pile Dynamics, Inc.  
<p>Pile driving simulation software of choice worldwide for pile driving professionals:<br />- Simulates the pile response to pile driving equipment<br />- Calculates driving resistance, dynamic pile stresses and estimated capacity based on field observed ...