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[Crackmeter] Equipment

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<p>Wire deformometers allows to monitor the changes in the distance between two anchor points.<br>Typical applications include measurements of small cracks, convergence monitoring in tunnel and structural deformations.<br>The USB wire deformometer consist ...
<p>Electrical and vibrating wire crackmeters (jointmeters) are intended to monitor movement across surface cracks and joints in concrete structures or rock.<br>The instrument assembly includes sensor housing and target, both parts are equipped with screw anchors. ...
This transducer is used for determining the Crack Mouth Opening Displacement (CMOD) conforming to EN 14651. The transducer have to be positioned over the notch sawn previously into the test beam. The specimen has to be loaded by a suitable Flexural frame as, ...
<p>The Linear Potentiometer Crackmeter is a highly accurate and robust instrument used to measure displacements across cracks and joints of a structure. The potentiometer is installed across a crack or joint of the structure to be monitored, using either groutable ...
The Model 4422 is a miniature crackmeter intended to measure displacements across surface cracks and joints. It has been specially designed for applications where access is limited and/or where monitoring instrumentation is to be as unobtrusive as possible ...
<p>The Vibrating Wire Crackmeter provides accurate measurement of crack propagation for structural or geotechnical monitoring. The sensor is made from high quality stainless steel, incorporates O-rings to allow for underwater use and is designed for longterm ...
<p>Jointmeters are used to monitor movement at joints and cracks. Submersible sensors for 3-D jointmeters are designed to withstand extended underwater operation. Typical applications include: Monitoring movement at submerged construction joints in concrete ...
<p>The VW crackmeter is used to monitor movement at joints and cracks in concrete structures or rock. The VW crackmeter consists of a VW displacement transducer and a mounting kit. Anchors are installed on opposite sides of the crack and the transducer is ...
<p>The VW embedment jointmeter is used to monitor movement at joints in mass-concrete structures such as abutments, foundations, and dams. Components of the embedment jointmeter include a socket, a transducer housing, and a submersible VW displacement transducer. ...
<p>Wire crackmeter allows to monitor the changes in the distance between two anchor points located up to 30 m apart.<br>Typical applications include measurements of large displacement associated with landslides, monitoring of rock-masses, mansonry cracks and ...