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Searching Geotechpedia for shear strength test

<p>The shear strength of heavily overconsolidated, stiff-to-hard plastic clays is crucial to their stability and also influential on the ground movements they develop in many geotechnical engineering applications. This paper considers the shear strength anisotropy ...
Reference: Brosse, A. M. et al. Géotechnique []
<p>This paper presents the shear strength study of a saturated and unsaturated lateritic tropical soil, via triaxial compression tests on undisturbed (loose) and compacted soil samples. The shear strength of the soil increases hyperbolically with increasing ...
Reference: EJGE, Vol. 20 [2015], Bund. 1
<p>A site in Ch&acirc;teauguay, south of Montr&eacute;al, Qu&eacute;bec, Canada, was investigated as part of the design of a significant infrastructure project. A loose marine silt layer present at the site was found to be susceptible to liquefaction using ...
Reference: Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul Aug. 25-29, 2014
<p>Ottawa sand specimens premixed with 0, 3, and 5% bentonite by dry mass of sand were tested under undrained static and cyclic loading to investigate the effects of bentonite on the static and cyclic shear strength of the sand. The results show that allowing ...
Reference: 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
In Mid 2011, during the 2010-2012 Canterbury earthquake sequence, a site investigation programme was undertaken within the Christchurch CBD to characterise the engineering behaviour of the soils responsible for the observed ground performance. This paper presents ...
Reference: NZSEE Annual Technical Conference & AGM, 13-15 April 2012, Christchurch
This study investigates the formation process of rainfall-induced landslide for slopes composed of loose soil in the Wenchuan earthquake region. Experimental investigations have been performed on the landslide’s formation and the variation of the controlling ...
Reference: Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 527–533, 2012
Black cotton soil is a typical expansive soil which loses its strength in presence of water résultant in swelling of the soil and in absence of water it shows multiple cracks due to shrinkage. Present paper describes the strength behaviour of Black cotton ...
Reference: IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSRJMCE) ISSN: 2278-1684 Volume 2, Issue 6 (Sep-Oct 2012), PP 21-25
<p>In this paper, cyclic triaxial loading tests were conducted on specimens of soft clay with varying cyclic stresses and frequencies to investigate the performance of soft soil subgrade subjected to cyclic loading. The laboratory results indicate that given ...
Reference: ANZ 2012 Conference University of Tasmania, Hobart 5-7 December 2012
Drained residual shear strength is applicable to slopes containing preexisting shear surfaces and preexisting landslides. Laboratory ring shear testing by various researchers suggest the possibility of strength gain along preexisting shear surfaces which had ...
Reference: Proceedings of Specialty Conf. GEO-FRONTIERS 2011, ASCE, Dallas, TX, March, 2011, pp. 3659-3668.
<p>Strong ground motions from the Mw 6.6 2007 Niigata-ken Chuetsu-oki earthquake were recorded by a free-field downhole array installed near the Service Hall at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant. Site conditions at the array consist of about 70m of ...
Reference: PEER Report 2011 /xx Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center College of Engineering University of California, Berkeley
The Torshear machine is dedicated to the determination of the residual shear strength. The residual shear strength of soils is sometimes also termed the ultimate shear strength. This is the strength of soil when it is sheared to large displacements, for example ...
The Cone Penetrometer is used to carry on liquid limit tests onsoil samples. It is a static test depending on the soil shear strength. The test is based on the relationship between moisture content and the penetration of a cone into the soil sample under pre-set ...
This test cover the determination of the consolidated drained shear strength of a soil material in direct shear. The Digishear machine, with digital control and display of speed, is driven by a high resolution stepper motor and worm reduction unit. Can accommodate ...
<p>Developed by the Army Corps of Engineers, Dynamic Cone Penetrometers (DCPs) provide a low-cost, efficient test method for quickly determining in-situ CBR values of pavement base, sub base and sub grades. DCPs are primarily used to determine in-place soil ...
<p>Developed by the Army Corps of Engineers, Dynamic Cone Penetrometers (DCPs) provide a low-cost, efficient test method for quickly determining in-situ CBR values of pavement base, sub base and sub grades. DCPs are primarily used to determine in-place soil ...
<p>The field vane test enables the direct measurement of the undrained shear resistance of saturated cohesive soils. It can be carried out either in the field, on the wall or at the bottom of an excavation, or even in a laboratory on a suitably contained specimen.<br><br>The ...
<p>The Fall Cone apparatus provides a rapid, simple and accurate method for determining the undrained shear strength and the sensitivity of both undisturbed and remoulded clays. The relationship between the depth of penetration of the fall cone and the undrained ...
<p>The Geovane is a hand-held instrument used for determining soil shear strength providing the reading in kPa. The device is simple to use. A 19mm vane blade is screwed into the base of the Geovane and the vane is pushed into the soil. Simply rotate the Geovane ...
<p>The H-60 Field Inspection Vane Tester enables quick and easy determination of the undrained shear strength of clay. The equipment, that may be carried in a briefcase, is lightweight, and thus a useful tool to provide a rapid check of the stability of foundations, ...
<p>For use by field personnel to check visual classification of soils. Verifies whether excavation side walls require shoring, based on OSHA cohesive soils classifications. Indicates consistency, shear strength, and approximate unconfined shear strength. Direct-reading ...