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Geotechnical Egineering News tagged with [landslide investigation]
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<p>Haywood County Local Emergency Planning Committee hosted a Landslide Emergency Response Meeting at the Jonathan Creek Fire Department on August 4th. The purpose of the meeting was to bring together first responders, subjects matter experts, and emergency ...
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Natural Hazards
<p>Thanks to millions of years' accumulation of the wind-deposited, highly-porous sediment from which China's Loess plateau takes its name, the region has been called the most erosion-prone on Earth. However, despite the prominent geomorphic role gravity erosion ...
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Advanced Knowledge
<p>In late July 2015, accelerated snow and glacier melting, caused by unusually high temperatures, triggered severe mudflows and flooding in Pamir Mountains in the central Tajikistan. As a result of the mudflows, a large debris fan was deposited and extended ...
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Conferences - Workshops
<p>A new report on last year's massive landslide near the western Colorado town of Collbran says conditions remain that could prompt another disaster of comparable magnitude.<br>The 55-page Colorado Geological Survey study says risks remain specifically because ...
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Natural Hazards
<p>To avert frequent incidents of landslides on Mumbai-Pune Expressway, the Maharashtra government has decided to take the help of geological experts from Australia and Switzerland. Public Works Department (PWD) minister Eknath Shinde said that the Australian ...
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Disasters & Failures