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Scenario earthquakes have been used for the design and safety assessment of nuclear power plant structures and equipments. Scenario earthquakes can be obtained from the deaggregation of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) results. In this study, ...
Reference: Transactions of the 17 th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 17) Prague, Czech Republic, August 17 –22, 2003
The seismic safety of 260 m high rock-fill dam in narrow and curved valley, located in seismically active area subjected to Maximum Credeble Earthquake (MCE) with Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) 0.5g has been investigated. A sequential nonlinear static and ...
The main use of seismic hazard analyses is to develop rock outcrop or stiff soil ground motions for use in design. the quantitative descriptions of the ground motions can be in terms of seimple scalar values (e.g. peak acceleration, peak velocity, peak displacement, ...
Reference: GeoEng2000, Melbourne, Australia