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Publications tagged with [shear strength]
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<p>This paper presents the shear strength study of a saturated and unsaturated lateritic tropical soil, via triaxial compression tests on undisturbed (loose) and compacted soil samples. The shear strength of the soil increases hyperbolically with increasing ...
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Soil Mechanics -
Soil Compaction
EJGE, Vol. 20 [2015], Bund. 1
<p>Geotechnical performance of a structure is generally governed by spatial average soil properties, such as the average shear strength along a potential slip surface in a slope. In Eurocode the characteristic soil value is defined as “a cautious estimate ...
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Codes and Standards -
Hyatt J .
Borinara P.
et al.
In this study, a geotechnical testing program was conducted to evaluate the engineering properties of old municipal solid waste sampled in Whamyung MSW landfill site, Busan, Korea.
Filed under:
Environmental Geoengineering -
Contaminant Investigation
Int. J. Environ. Res., 5(3):573-584, Summer 2011
<p>The construction of cuts, embankments and dam in and on different ground require the analyses of slope stability, deformations and often the use of the observational method. New codes, such as Eurocode 7 or its sister code in Switzerland SIA 267, prescribe ...
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Soil Mechanics -
Soil Slope Stability
ISGSR 2011 - Vogt, Schuppener, Straub & Bräu (eds) - © 2011 Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau
Hussain M.
Stark T. D.
et al.
Back-analysis of a landslide is performed to estimate the mobilized shear strength of the problematic layer. Back-analysis can be an effective procedure for estimating the mobilized shear strength because it avoids the problems associated with laboratory and ...
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Engineering Geology -
Proceedings of International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Pakistan Geotechnical Engineering Society (PGES), Lahore, Pakistan, November, 2010, 159-166 p.
The excess pore water pressure developed in the Upper San Fernando Dam during the 1971 San Fernando Earthquake has been evaluated in several studies. Almost all of these studies indicate large excess pore pressure ratios developed only in the upstream and ...
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Dam Engineering -
Dam Seismic Design
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, University of Missouri, May 24-29, 2010, 12 p.
Been K.
Quiñonez A.
et al.
<p>Many empirical and theoretical CPT interpretation methods are broadly accepted and used in practice. These approaches tend to consider whether the cone penetration is drained or undrained, and then will consider the soil as either “sand” or ...
Filed under:
Soil Mechanics -
Soil Investigation
2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Huntington Beach, California, 2010
Varathungarajan D. A.
Garfield S. M.
et al.
<p>TxDOT frequently uses Texas Cone Penetrometer (TCP) blow counts to estimate undrained shear strength. However, the current correlations between TCP resistance and undrained shear strength have been developed primarily for significantly stronger soils than ...
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Soil Mechanics -
Soil Behavior & Testing
The authors have presented an excellent study that provides theoretical and empirical justification for the use of the Newmark sliding-block method in estimating displacements of lateral spreads using residual strength values. The discussers believe that ...
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Earthquake Engineering -
ournal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (2009)
Hammah R. E.
Yacoub T. E.
et al.
This paper explores application of the Finite Element Method (FEM) and Shear Strength Reduction (SSR) analysis to compute probabilities of failure for slopes. It does so using two probabilistic approaches: the Point Estimate Method (PEM) and limited numbers ...
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Rock Mechanics -
Rock Slope Stability
43rd US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 4th U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, held in Asheville, NC June 28th - July 1, 2009.