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<p>The formation of cracks in structural elements and other parts of a building such as walls is often unavoidable; that is why some standard of practice specify the maximum allowable width of cracks depending on the type and exposure conditions of a structure. ...
Reference: EJGE Vol. 18 [2013], Bund. N
<p>This work focuses mainly on the Geotechnical properties of mapped areas in Gombe town which forms part of the Upper Benue trough. Representative soil samples were collected from these areas and were investigated for their Geotechnical properties with a ...
Reference: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), Vol.2, Issue.6, Nov-Dec. 2012 pp-4280-4286
<p>In many ground improvement projects the preliminary field testing method is different from the tests that are carried out later. Hence, it may be necessary to correlate the two tests for comparative purposes. Dynamic Compaction, using pounders weighing ...
Reference: 2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Huntington Beach, California, 2010
<p>Although manual cone penetration testing in snow has been practised since the 1930&rsquo;s, modern hydraulically-driven CPT equipment has not been used. Collaboration with the British Antarctic Survey will allow the first use of commercial CPT equipment ...
Reference: 2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Huntington Beach, California, 2010
<p>This paper presents the results of a series of piezoball penetration and<br />dissipation tests carried out at two well characterized soft soil sites in Ireland.<br />Piezoball data are compared with piezocone data, in addition to other in situ and laboratory ...
Reference: 2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Huntington Beach, California, 2010
This research presents the correlation of undrained shear strength based on the cone resistance from the cone penetration test (CPT) for clayey soils in Indiana. It utilized the field cone penetration test program including the CPT, the index test, the one ...
Reference: FHWA/IN/JTRP-2010/07
<p>Many empirical and theoretical CPT interpretation methods are broadly accepted and used in practice. These approaches tend to consider whether the cone penetration is drained or undrained, and then will consider the soil as either &ldquo;sand&rdquo; or ...
Reference: 2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, Huntington Beach, California, 2010
This paper describes the results of a detailed analysis of a loess deposit at the deep foundations test site established by the Kansas Department of Transportation. Multiple CPT, SPT, and pressuremeter tests were conducted as part of the investigation. This ...
Reference: DFI Journal, the journal of the deep foundation institute, Vol. 3, Nov. 2009
This report explores the current practices of departments of transportation associated with cone penetration testing (CPT). The report examines cone penetrometer equipment options field testing procedures CPT data presentation and geostratigraphic profiling ...
Reference: NCHRP Synthesis 368, TRB
This is intended to be a reference manual for Geotechnical Engineers. It is principally a data book for the practicing Geotechnical Engineer and Engineering Geologist, which covers: The planning of the site investigation. The classification of soil and rock. ...
Reference: Taylor & Francis is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa busines