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Publications tagged with [seepage]

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The Spring of 2011 brought heavy rainfall and snowmelt throughout the Midwest, resulting in record flow rates and flood stages on the Lower Mississippi River from Cairo, Illinois to the Gulf of Mexico. In many locations, the flood crested at levels above those ...
Reference: Geo- engineering Extreme Event Response (GEER) Report, prepared for National Science Foundation, June 18,, 2011, 40 p.
Permeability function of an unsaturated soil, k(\), where \ is suction, is a vital hydrogeological property that governs seepage in various geotechnical problems. Owing to considerably long test duration, direct measurement of k(\) is often avoided if at all ...
Reference: 5th Asia-Pacific conference on unsaturated soils, Pattaya, Thailand 14-15 November 2011
This paper reviews the creep ratio concept suggested by Lane (1934) and added new case histories to expand his database. Lane (1934) selected conservative values of safe creep ratios because of the small number of dam failures in his database, which is prudent. ...
Reference: Proceedings of 29th ASDSO Conference, Hollywood, FL, Sept. 27 - Oct. 1, 2009
<p>The vulnerability to internal erosion of a 100-year old typical British embankment dam without filters has been examined using seven methods. Four assessed the potential of the shoulder fill, a low permeability till, to act as a filter and prevent erosion ...
Reference: Ensuring reservoir safety into the future. Thomas Telford, London, 2008
<p>Embankment dams comprising broadly graded materials of glacial origin in the impervious core (base soil) and protective filter have in the past been identified as being prone to develop sinkholes more frequent than dams composed of materials of other origin. ...
Reference: Ensuring reservoir safety into the future. Thomas Telford, London, 2008
<p>The European Working Group on Internal Erosion presented its Interim Report at the 7th European Conference on dams in Freising in Germany in September 2007, this being the culmination of interactions which had ommenced in 2004. This paper summarizes the ...
Reference: Ensuring reservoir safety into the future. Thomas Telford, London, 2008
The technologies for construction of roller-compacted concrete (RCC) dams have been considerably developed during recent years in China. At the time being, they have been successfully applied to the constructions of even extreme-high gravity dams and medium ...
This paper present the construction activities at the site incuding the installation of a permanent barrier wall to protect against several tar seeps into the Vermilion River
Reference: 2001 International Containment & Remediation Technology Conference
The purpose of this publication is to provide (1) suggestions toinstructors on teaching the course outlined in Part I of the Study Guide, (2)additional references and comments on the topics in Part I of the Study Guide,and (3) answers to the exercises in Part ...
Filed under: Geology -  Hydrogeology
Reference: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 92-637
This manual covers the application of engineering principles by experienced engineers of soil mechanics in the design of foundations and earth structures for naval shore facilities. The contents include identification and classification of soil and rock, ...
Filed under: Soil Mechanics -  Earthworks