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<p>This technical note is intended to provide practical guidance for use by dam owners and engineers for the design and construction of chimney filter and drainage features for embankment dams, particularly small embankment dams. This technical note is not ...
Reference: Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Dam Safety Program, Version 1
This paper reviews the creep ratio concept suggested by Lane (1934) and added new case histories to expand his database. Lane (1934) selected conservative values of safe creep ratios because of the small number of dam failures in his database, which is prudent. ...
Reference: Proceedings of 29th ASDSO Conference, Hollywood, FL, Sept. 27 - Oct. 1, 2009
<p>The vulnerability to internal erosion of a 100-year old typical British embankment dam without filters has been examined using seven methods. Four assessed the potential of the shoulder fill, a low permeability till, to act as a filter and prevent erosion ...
Reference: Ensuring reservoir safety into the future. Thomas Telford, London, 2008
<p>Embankment dams comprising broadly graded materials of glacial origin in the impervious core (base soil) and protective filter have in the past been identified as being prone to develop sinkholes more frequent than dams composed of materials of other origin. ...
Reference: Ensuring reservoir safety into the future. Thomas Telford, London, 2008
<p>The European Working Group on Internal Erosion presented its Interim Report at the 7th European Conference on dams in Freising in Germany in September 2007, this being the culmination of interactions which had ommenced in 2004. This paper summarizes the ...
Reference: Ensuring reservoir safety into the future. Thomas Telford, London, 2008
<p>The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, conducted a study to determine the effects of well locations and seasonal changes in the ground-water flow system in the valley-fill aquifers in the upper ...
Reference: Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4174
<p>This manual provides information and criteria pertinent to the design and layout of civil works flood control pumping stations. Elements discussed include various sump designs and discharge arrangements, station type and layout requirements, and environmental ...
Reference: EM 1110-2-3102
<p>This manual presents the fundamental design principles andguidance concerning seepage considerations for design of new<img src="" alt="" /> dams and the evaluation of existing projects</p>
Reference: EM 1110-2-1901
<p>This manual provides guidance for standards to be used for drainage and erosion control</p>
Reference: EM 1110-3-136
<p>Dams must be designed and maintained to safely control seepage. Nevertheless, most dams experience at least some seepage and many suffer from excessive seepage. Excessive seepage may lead to a problem with the safety of a dam if not treated properly. The ...