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<p>Mining exploration is widely spread throughout Kazakhstan and it is an important part of the country&rsquo;s economy. However, mining can create landslides, as well as both surface and groundwater pollution.<br />The purpose of this research is to model ...
Filed under: Geology -  Hydrogeology
Reference: Journal of Environmental Hydrology, Volume 23, Paper 9, September 2015
<p>Estimation of groundwater table by hydrogeologists in Ghana over the past decades has proven to be difficult due to the dearth of data on piezometric heads from the very few boreholes present to access this data. The importance of this information in infrastructure ...
Filed under: Geology -  Hydrogeology
Reference: International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2014
<p>This report presents an overview of the earthquake-induced changes that were observed to have affected the city&rsquo;s response to flood events. Following this Chapter 1 introduction, the second chapter presents a historical perspective of flooding and ...
Filed under: Geology -  Hydrogeology
<p>The Singareni Collieries Company Ltd (SCCL )is exploiting coal in the Godavari valley coal fields spread over 5.33km2 in Andhra Pradesh, India. In the area, six workable coal seams have been identified in Barakar formation by the analysis of the geologic ...
Filed under: Geology -  Hydrogeology
Reference: Water Resources and Industry 7-8 (2014) 49–65
<p>Water quality index (WQI) is a dimensionless number that combines multiple water quality factors into a single number by normalizing values to subjective rating curves. The present work is aimed at assessing the Water Quality Index (W.Q.I) of surface water ...
Filed under: Geology -  Hydrogeology
Reference: International Journal of ChemTech Research CODEN( USA): IJCRGG ISSN : 0974-4290 Vol.5, No.1, pp 278-283, Jan-Mar 2013
<p>The present paper focusses on different approaches of numerical model set up and discretisation based on the available geological models by using FEFLOW. In particular, the implementation of the complicated geology with regional faults and thrusts are presented ...
Filed under: Geology -  Hydrogeology
Reference: MODFLOW and More 2013: Translating Science into Practice - Conference Proceedings
<p>The objective of this study is to evaluate the potential of large altimetry datasets as a complementary gauging network capable of providing water discharge in ungauged regions. A rating curve-based methodology is adopted to derive water discharge from ...
Filed under: Geology -  Hydrogeology
Reference: Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 923–933, 2013
<p>Present study was carried out in river kosi, Rampur district, India to assess the river water pollution for that, six sites are select to collect samples where industrial &amp; domestic waste is regularly mixing in river kosi and by these activities river ...
Filed under: Geology -  Hydrogeology
Reference: International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 2, Issue 12, December 2013
Several experiments have evidenced the occurrence of saturation overshoots for flows in homogeneous porous media. Such phenomena are ruled out by standard mathematical models, which are based on equilibrium assumptions. In this presentation we discuss nonequilibrium ...
Filed under: Geology -  Hydrogeology
Reference: 5th International Conference on Applications of Porous Media, Romania, 2013
Pipe Spring National Monument in northern Arizona contains historically significant springs. The groundwater source of these springs is the same aquifer that presently is an important source of drinking water for the Pipe Spring National Monument facilities, ...
Filed under: Geology -  Hydrogeology
Reference: Open-File Report 2013–1029