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Publications tagged with [dam design]
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<p>In this paper the slope stability of Aydoghmoosh earth dam situated in the north west of Iran is evaluated by various methods of limit equilibrium, finite element and finite difference. Among numerous limit equilibrium methods, Simplified Bishop, Janbu ...
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Soil Mechanics -
Soil Slope Stability
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Building Materials (ISSN 2223-487X) Vol. 2 No.3 2012
<p>Scour of rock is a complex process and can be very problematic for dams when excessive scour threatens dam stability. Removal of individual rock blocks is one of the principal mechanisms by which scour can occur, particularly in unlined spillways and on ...
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Dam Engineering -
Dam Analysis & Design
Report No. UCB GT 12‐02
The 182 m high concrete face rockfill dam (CFRD) is one of the main components of the Nam Ngum 2 (NN2) hydropower scheme in Lao PDR. Construction of the dam was essentially completed in March 2010 and reservoir impounding commenced subsequently. This paper ...
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Dam Engineering -
Dam Construction
6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DAM ENGINEERING, C.Pina, E.Portela, J.Gomes (ed.), Lisbon, Portugal, February 15-17, 2011
The basis of the design of earth and rockfill dams is focused on ensuring the stability of the structure under a set of conditions expected to occur during its life. Combined mechanical and hydraulic conditions must be considered since pore pressures develop ...
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Dam Engineering -
Dam Analysis & Design
Front. Archit. Civ. Eng. China
<p>These guidelines describe the design and construction requirements for the construction of a proposed dam or the reconstruction, modification, enlargement, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of an existing dam in Texas. These design and construction ...
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Dam Engineering -
Dam Analysis & Design
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Dam Safety Program Field Operations Support Division, RG-473
The present study concerns analysis of the seismic response of earth dams. The behaviour of both the shell and core of the dam is described using the simple and popular non associated Mohr-Coulomb criterion. The use of this constitutive model is justified ...
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Dam Engineering -
Dam Numerical Analysis
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 9, 451–458, 2009
<p>Embankment dams comprising broadly graded materials of glacial origin in the impervious core (base soil) and protective filter have in the past been identified as being prone to develop sinkholes more frequent than dams composed of materials of other origin. ...
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Dam Engineering -
Seepage and Groundwater Control
Ensuring reservoir safety into the future. Thomas Telford, London, 2008
<p>The European Working Group on Internal Erosion presented its Interim Report at the 7th European Conference on dams in Freising in Germany in September 2007, this being the culmination of interactions which had ommenced in 2004. This paper summarizes the ...
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Dam Engineering -
Seepage and Groundwater Control
Ensuring reservoir safety into the future. Thomas Telford, London, 2008
Kovacevic N.
Potts D. M.
et al.
<p>The main concern when designing or analysing embankment dams is usually their stability. However, assessing their deformation is also important. This paper describes the recent use of advanced numerical analysis to predict the latter. Examples of its use ...
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Dam Engineering -
Dam Numerical Analysis
Ensuring reservoir safety into the future. Thomas Telford, London, 2008
The Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority Gandhinagar and the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur are happy to present the IITK-GSDMA Guidelines on Seismic Design of Earth Dams and Embankments to the professional engineering community in the country. ...
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Dam Engineering -
Dam Seismic Design
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Kanpur