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Publications tagged with [contamination]
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<p>The analyses of ground water quality were studied in Davangere city. Five different sampling stations were select for analysis and compared the parameter of sampling station, for instance pH, alkalinity, hardness, turbidity, sulphate, chloride, fluorides, ...
Filed under:
Environmental Geoengineering -
Contaminant - Ground Water
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 3, Issue 5, May 2014
<p>This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of solid waste dumps on ground water quality. Inorder to achieve this, water samples were obtained during dry and wet seasons from hand dugwell.</p>
Filed under:
Environmental Geoengineering -
Contaminant - Ground Water
Advances in Applied Science Research, 2011, 2 (6):595-599
The current research examined the level of groundwater contamination near a municipal landfill sitein Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State, Nigeria. Water quality parameters (physico-chemical andheavy metals) of leachate and groundwater samples were ...
Filed under:
Environmental Geoengineering -
Contaminant - Ground Water
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2(1): 39-44, 2010
This technical report outlines the findings of an initial site inspection by UNEP in November 2005, and the results of an intrusive ground investigation performed in April 2006 to characterize the potential environmental and health risks associated with the ...
Filed under:
Environmental Geoengineering -
Contaminant Investigation
United Nations Environment Programme
Sinkevich Jr. M. G.
Walter M. T.
et al.
A process-based preferential flow transport model was implemented in a geographic information system to locate areas in the landscape with high risk of contamination by agrochemicals, especially pesticides. Protecting ground water resources necessitates a ...
Filed under:
Environmental Geoengineering -
Contaminant Monitoring
Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation 25, no. 4/ Fall 2005/pages 82–91
Konečný F.
Boháček Zbyněk
et al.
The complex system of interactions between basic environmental components is very often complicated by anthropogenic pollution. Petroleum hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds represent the most frequent pollutants in the area of the Czech Republic. ...
Filed under:
Environmental Geoengineering -
Contaminant - Ground Interaction
Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol. 78, No. 3, 225–239, 2003
Focazio M. J.
Reilly T. E.
et al.
This report provides an overview of some of the common approaches used to scientifically determine the important factors controlling the vulnerability of ground-water resources to contamination.
Filed under:
Geology -
U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1224, 33 p
Zaporozec A.
Conrad J. E.
et al.
The need for hydrological research, basic as well as applied, is substantial to help rationally manage the world’s water resources. To satisfy this need, and the interest of Member States, UNESCO, in 1975, launched a long-term intergovernmental programme, ...
Filed under:
Environmental Geoengineering -
Contaminant Monitoring
The main purpose of the reports is to provide comprehensive descriptions of the state of the art of decision analysis and sampling strategies for contaminated land. The reports form an important basis for future work, not only in the specific project, but ...
Filed under:
Environmental Geoengineering -
Contaminate Mitigation and Treatment
Varia 500
Soil contamination by naturally occurring and anthropogenic organic and inorganic chemical is a serious human and environmental health problem in many industrialized and nonindustrialized nations. There is a wide range of types of soil contamination and an ...
Filed under:
Environmental Geoengineering -
Contaminant Monitoring
Environmental Monitoring - Vol II - Soil Contamination Monitoring - Aelion C.M.