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Publications tagged with [groundwater quality]

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<p>Solid waste is the unacceptable or useless solid materials generated from mutually residential, mechanical &amp; commercial activities in a supposing area. Managing the SW deals with the maintenance of healthy environment to remove any waste as early ...
Reference: International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6, Issue 8, August 2017
<p>The analyses of ground water quality were studied in Davangere city. Five different sampling stations were select for analysis and compared the parameter of sampling station, for instance pH, alkalinity, hardness, turbidity, sulphate, chloride, fluorides, ...
Reference: International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 3, Issue 5, May 2014
Ground water samples collected from different localities in and around Paravanar River subbasin, Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu were analyzed for their physico- chemical characteristics.
Filed under: Geology -  Hydrogeology
Reference: Advances in Applied Science Research, 2011, 2 (5):92-103
The present work is a review on the quality characteristics of groundwater in Nigeria. The aim was to collate, synthesize and analyse hydrochemical data from available literature in order to evaluate the physical and chemical character, quality and determine ...
Reference: African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 5(13), pp. 1152-1169, 29 December, 2011
The need for hydrological research, basic as well as applied, is substantial to help rationally manage the world’s water resources. To satisfy this need, and the interest of Member States, UNESCO, in 1975, launched a long-term intergovernmental programme, ...
<p>Waste-disposal areas such as chicken-house floors, litter stockpiles, fields that receive applications of litter, and dead-chicken pits are potential sources of nitrates and other chemical constituents in downward-percolating recharge water. Broilerfarms ...
Reference: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 95-4064