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Publications tagged with [construction]

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Construction issues when using drilled shafts for bridge foundations
Reference: Geo-Strata, May-June 2011
The Massman - Traylor - Alberici team developed a redesigned foundation system for the main pylon and anchor foundations which utilizes their equipment and experience along with field load test measurements to optimize the foundations.
Reference: Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations, 2011, Boston,
Construction issues when using drilled shafts for bridge foundations.
Reference: Deep foundation, Spring 2010
Typical house occupied by low-income and middle-class families in rural areas of central Italy. The building studied in this report is located in the municipality of Nocera Umbra, province of Perugia, Umbria region, Italy. This type of building, with minor ...
Reference: Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) and International Association for Earthquake Engineering (IAEE), Report 121
<p>The manual covers the latest methods and procedures to address the geotechnical issues in pavement design, construction and performance for new construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation projects. The manual includes details on geotechnical exploration ...
Filed under: Pavement -  Pavement Design
Reference: Federal Highway Administration, FHWA NHI-05-037, 2006
This construction originated during the Middle Ages in response to the threat of militaryinvasions. The building plan is a square lattice, 5-7 meters, formed by three or four floors, with one room on each floor, and a total height of 15-20 m. It is a common ...
Reference: Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) and International Association for Earthquake Engineering (IAEE), Report 113
Masonry houses with good structural performance may be constructed by appropriate construction procedures, good structural detailing and good quality control. This guide has been divided in fourteen sections following the construction procedure. Structural ...
Reference: CISMID/FIC/UNI Construction of Masonry Buildings with appropriated technologies, e Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Japan
Stone buildings using fully dressed rectangularized stone units, or cast solidblocks consisting of large stone pieces in cement concrete mix 1:3.6 may be built according to the details given in Chapter 4.Those also generally apply to the random-rubble and ...
Reference: IAEE, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India
<p>The scan team identified and evaluated 30 technologies and 15 processes with the potential for accelerating construction in the areas of bridge foundation systems, equipment, and ground improvement methods embankment deep foundation systems, equipment, ...
Reference: Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-PL-03-014, 2003
Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) is an accepted and economical method<br>for the construction of dams and pavements. Achieving adequate compaction is essential in the development of the desired properties in the hardened material. The compaction depends on ...
Filed under: Codes and Standards -  USA
Reference: ACI 309.5R-00 became effective February 23, 2000.American Concrete Institute.