Your single point of reference for all your Geotechnical Inquiries

A high variety of geotechnical software can be found in this category. Geotechnical software is defined as software designed especially in order to deal with geotechnical issues such as slope stability, seismic analysis, foundations, e.t.c.
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Software by
Ensoft, Inc.
<p>GROUP is a well-accepted tool for analyzing the behavior of pile groups subjected to both axial and lateral loadings. The program was developed to compute the distribution of loads (vertical, lateral, and overturning moment up to three orthogonal axes) ...
Software by
<p>GWALL analyses a wide range of retaining wall problems including gravity walls and cantilever walls with a base.</p>
<p>GWALL carries out two types of analysis within the one program:<br />1.Limit equilibrium analysis for calculating factors of safety against ...
Software by
Deep Excavation LLC
<p>HelixPile 2020 is a user friendly, modern and powerful software program for the design of helical piles. HelixPile allows the user to include an unlimited number of stage conditions and soil profiles. HelixPile incorporates the latest recommendations and ...
Software by
geo&soft international
<p>I.L.A. is a complete slope stability analysis program that also incorporates powerful features for retaining system designing.</p>
<p>The slope analysis and design can be performed using the Sarma method, whose numerical stability increases the reliability ...
Software by
<p>KRONOS - Monitoring Database System <br />Today´s quality requirements in underground construction demand the efficient administration and documentation of all essential data. Immediate availability and clear visualisation and presentation of data ...
Software by
Cubus AG
<p>LARIX is a program for geotechnical analyses based on classic methods. Its graphical user interface and the clearly laid out results make it a very userfriendly application. Thanks to a complete documentation and many intermediate results it is possible ...
Filed under:
Geotechnical Design Software
Software by
<p>This program calculates the capacity of a single driven pile or drilled pier subjected to:<br />- Lateral (Shear) Load<br />- Bending Moment<br />The site soils are often stratified, so Pile Design – Lateral can handle 2 to 10 soil layers. Analysis ...
Software by
Javasoft Softwares
<p>LeanWall is a software mainly designed for the purpose of designing a concrete or masonry leaning wall. The wall may lean on rock or soil and may retain soil or other granular material. It analyses the stability of the wall based on the loads and the resulting ...
Software by
LimitState Ltd
<p>LimitState: GEO is the revolutionary geotechnical stability analysis software that can be used to rapidly determine the critical failure mechanism and margin of safety for any type of problem.<br />LimitState: GEO is a single, general-purpose geotechnical ...
Software by
Limit State
<p>LimitState:GEO provides unique geotechnical stability analysis capabilities to rapidly determine the critical failure mechanism and margin of safety for any type of problem.</p>