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<p>The average depth and heat flow of oceanic lithosphere as functions of age are well described by cooling plate models in which old lithosphere approaches an asymptotic thermal structure, causing average depth and heat flow to flatten. However, some areas ...
Filed under: Geology -  General Geology
Reference: The Geological Society of America Special Paper 514 American Geophysical Union Special Publication 71
<p>Quantifying how hillslopes respond to river incision and climate change is fundamental to understanding the evolution of uplifting landscapes during glacial-interglacial cycles. We investigated the interplay among uplift, river incision, and hillslope response ...
Filed under: Geology -  General Geology
Reference: Geological Society of America Bulletin 2014
<p>The sixth edition of the &ldquo;Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control in Georgia&rdquo; has been revised with a focus on performance standards. Implementation of newly researched practices has been incorporated to expand on the traditional erosion and ...
Filed under: Geology -  General Geology
Reference: Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission, 2014
<p>The Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT) is one of the best-exposed granulite terrains suited to address some fundamental problems concerning the origin and development of granulites. The contact between Dharwar craton and the SGT is marked by a series of crustal ...
Filed under: Geology -  General Geology
Reference: International Journal of Engineering Science Invention ISSN (Online): 2319 – 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 6726 Volume 3 Issue 8 ǁ August 2014 ǁ PP.53-59
The bedrock and surficial geologic map of the Satan Butte and Greasewood 7.5' quadrangles was completed in a cooperative effort of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Navajo Nation to provide regional geologic information for management and planning ...
Filed under: Geology -  General Geology
Reference: Open-File Report 2013–1007
The Topock quadrangle exposes a structurally complex part of the Colorado River extensional corridor and also exposes deposits that record landscape evolution during the history of the Colorado River. Paleoproterozoic gneisses and Mesoproterozoic granitoids ...
Filed under: Geology -  General Geology
Reference: Scientific Investigations Map 3236
<p>Electrical resistivity imaging and geological mapping were used to study the geology and delineate geologic structures at the Northeastern part of Ago Iwoye, Southwestern Nigeria. Two areas which include Mini-Campus Olabisi Onabanjo University (MCOOU) and ...
Filed under: Geology -  General Geology
Reference: Journal of Geology and Mining Research Vol. 4(5), pp. 105-117, August 2012
The aim of this study was to identify factors and their impact on land degradation processes in three areas of the Basilicata region (southern Italy) using a procedure that couples environmental indices.
Filed under: Geology -  General Geology
Reference: Int. J. Environ. Res., 6(2):367-380, Spring 2012
This paper is about island arc lavas that have erupted above subduction zones and commonly contain a geochemical component derived from partial melting of subducted sediment. It is debated whether this sediment melt signature, with enriched trace element concentrations ...
Filed under: Geology -  General Geology
This report summarizes experience from geoscientific studies of the Excavation Damaged and Disturbed Zones in sedimentary rocks. The bulk of these studies have been performed as part of research programs for radioactive waste disposal in argillaceous rocks. ...
Filed under: Geology -  General Geology
Reference: NWMO DGR-TR-2011-21