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Publications tagged with [soft rock]
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<p>The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between axial point load strength and uniaxial compressive strength in hydrothermally altered rocks, which are typical of the soft rocks found in northeastern Hokkaido, Japan.</p>
Filed under:
Rock Mechanics -
Rock Strength
International Journal of the JCRM vol.7 (2011) pp.17-23
Ikenoya T.
Okada T.
et al.
<p>In situ heating test was conducted in an underground cavern at a depth of 50m for the purpose of improving thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled analysis code, and numerical results were compared with measured results. The comparison between numerical and measured ...
Filed under:
Rock Mechanics -
Rock Investigation
International Journal of the JCRM vol.7 (2011) pp.37-42
The basis of the design of earth and rockfill dams is focused on ensuring the stability of the structure under a set of conditions expected to occur during its life. Combined mechanical and hydraulic conditions must be considered since pore pressures develop ...
Filed under:
Dam Engineering -
Dam Analysis & Design
Front. Archit. Civ. Eng. China
Guiloux A.
Le Bissonnais H.
et al.
<p>Ras R’Mel Moroccan tunnel is a 2.6 km long and 60m<sup>2</sup> section single track railway tunnel. It was excavated in a complex geological context of highly heterogeneous and highly deformable soft rock. The purpose of this paper is first to describe ...
Filed under:
Tunnel Engineering -
Tunnel Design
Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground – Ng, Huang & Liu (eds), © 2009 Taylor & Francis Group, London
Indraratna B.
Welideniya S.
et al.
Infill materials found in natural rock joints may cause a reduction in joint shear strength, influencing rock mass stability. This paper reports a study aimed at developing a semi-empirical methodology for predicting the shear<br>strength of infilled joints, ...
Filed under:
Rock Mechanics -
Rock Joints & Fractures
Geotechnique, Institution of Civil Engineers, 55(3), 2005, 215-226.
Leca E.
Leblais Y.
et al.
Growing needs for modern transportation and utility networks have increased the demand for a more extensive and elaborate use of underground space. As a result, more underground projects have to be completed in a variety of ground conditions, including weak ...
Filed under:
Tunnel Engineering -
Difficult Ground
GeoEng 2000, An International conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering, 19-24 November 2000, Melbourne, Austrelia
A simple elastoplastic strainhardening model of soil and soft rock behaviour is presented. The physical meaning of the few constitutive parameters characterizing the constitutive law is discussed and the procedure for their determination is outlined. Typical ...
Filed under:
Soil Mechanics -
Soil Behavior & Testing