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Publications tagged with [hydrocarbon]

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The Wind River Basin is a large Laramide (Late Cretaceous through Eocene) structural and sedimentary basin that encompasses about 7,400 square miles in central Wyoming. The purpose of this report is to present new vitrinite reflectance data collected mainly ...
Filed under: Geology -  Economic Geology
Reference: Open-File Report 2013–1002
<p>In western Greece, the Ionian and pre-Apulian zones represent, respectively, the basin and the transitional zone (slope) to the Apulian platform. The Apulian platform constitutes the weakly deformed foreland of the external Hellenides. The pre-Apulian zone ...
Filed under: Geology -  Economic Geology
Reference: AAPG Bulletin, v. 97, no. 9 (September 2013), pp. 1567–1595
The Middle Eocene Claiborne Group was assessed using established U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) assessment methodology for undiscovered conventional hydrocarbon resources as part of the 2007 USGS assessment of Paleogene-Neogene strata of the United States part ...
Filed under: Geology -  Economic Geology
Reference: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–1144
Samples of polluted soil contaminated with used motor oil spillage were collected to studywhether such soils may be remediated, i.e. whether the remediation of hydrocarboncontaminated soil is achievable using microbial strain sampled from the same site where ...
Reference: Advances in Applied Science Research, 2011, 2 (2): 321-326
Shi P. , Fu B. et al.  
Oil and gas reservoir has long-term suffering from hydrocarbon seepages including macroseepages and microseepages. The presence of seepages documents the first element of a hydrocarbon system and could therefore reduce exploration risks.To investigate hydrocarbon ...
Filed under: Geology -  Economic Geology
Reference: International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science, Volume XXXVIII, Part 8, Kyoto Japan 2010
<p>This paper reviews data on the geological evolution of Western Greece, with special emphasis on the petroleum potential of the Pre-Apulian zone (including new data) and the Ionian zone, the two most external portions of the Hellenide fold and trust belt. ...
Filed under: Geology -  Economic Geology
Reference: Journal of Petroleum Geology, Vol. 30 (3), July 2007 pp 197-218
Vitrinite reflectance has been determined on 23 rotary cutting samples from Petro Canada et al North Leif I-05, which was classified as an exploratory well located in the Hopedale Basin on the northern Labrador Shelf. Well status is Plugged and Abandoned.
Reference: Geological Survey of Canada Open File - 4978
This report was prepared in response to Delivery Order No. 15 underAI.D. Contract No. 306-020S-C-OO-9385-00, Afghanistan Studies Project. The objectives of the Delivery Order are to1. Provide an objective, single-volume, resource document, with maps, for development ...
Filed under: Geology -  Economic Geology
Reference: Afghanista Studies Project Final Report Contract No. 306-0205-C-OO-9385-00 Jelivery Order No. 15 February 1992