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Publications tagged with [geologic resources]
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The Geologic Resources Division of the National Park Service initiated and funded the development of this manual to provide guidance for resource managers seeking to establish the status and trends of geologic
resources and processes within the National Park ...
Filed under:
Engineering Geology -
Geological Monitoring
The Geological Society of America
Do Val M. A.
Lazaro A. A.
et al.
<p>The paper discusses the city of São Paulo, one of the largest cities in the world, situated at the head of a basin drained by the Tietê River. This important river played a major role in the exploration and colonization of a large portion of ...
Filed under:
Geology -
Economic Geology
The 10th IAEG International Congress, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 6-10 September 2006, Paper number 480
Shroder J. F.
Cookson F.
et al.
This report was prepared in response to Delivery Order No. 15 underAI.D. Contract No. 306-020S-C-OO-9385-00, Afghanistan Studies Project. The objectives of the Delivery Order are to1. Provide an objective, single-volume, resource document, with maps, for development ...
Filed under:
Geology -
Economic Geology
Afghanista Studies Project Final Report Contract No. 306-0205-C-OO-9385-00 Jelivery Order No. 15 February 1992