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Software tagged with [geophysical data]
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Geosoft provides geology and geochemistry workflows to support the work of geoscientists conducting mapping and analysis within Esri ArcGIS. The GIS mapping capabilities within Geosoft ArcGIS extensions work together with geophysical and earth mapping workflows ...
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With Encom PA, you can see and compare all your line data, profiles, grids, modelling, images, drilllholes, maps and 3D visualisations in a single interactive interpretation environment.
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Geophysical Archaeometry Laboratory Inc.
<p>GPR-SLICE V7.0 (1994-2017) is a comprehensive ground penetrating radar imaging software designed for creation of 2D/3D subsurface images for use in a variety of geotechnical, engineering and archaeological applications. <br />GPR-SLICE began development ...
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<p>KRONOS - Monitoring Database System <br />Today´s quality requirements in underground construction demand the efficient administration and documentation of all essential data. Immediate availability and clear visualisation and presentation of data ...
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Maptek Eureka provides one integrated platform for viewing and analysing your exploration project data.
Eureka allows you to take spatially located data and put it into context to better understand the inter-connecting relationships between the disparate information. ...
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Oasis montaj is ideally suited for today's multidisciplinary and collaborative exploration. Access all your data and a powerful set of mapping and analysis tools, within one dynamic, 3D exploration environment. Process, map, QA and interpret your ground and ...
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VOXI Earth Modelling reduces the time and effort required to generate 3D models using geophysical inversion techniques. Access the cloud-powered VOXI modelling toolset within Geosoft Oasis montaj. Update and integrate your models inside the Geosoft environment ...