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Publications tagged with [strong ground motion]
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Dobre D.
Dragomir C.
et al.
<p>The pounding between adjacent buildings can cause both architectural and structural damages. The paper presents some aspects related to the Vrancea seismic motions pattern, a review of observed damages after a strong earthquake due to pounding of buildings ...
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Earthquake Engineering -
Seismic Soil - Structure Interaction
Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul Aug. 25-29, 2014
Hinzen K. G.
Kehmeier H.
et al.
A Roman mausoleum located in the ancient city of Pınara, southwest Turkey, shows clear signs of damages due to dynamic loading. Considering the seismotectonic potential of the area, earthquake ground motions are a possible cause of the damages. However, the ...
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Rock Mechanics -
Rock Falls
2nd INQUA-IGCP-567 International Workshop on Active Tectonics, Earthquake Geology, Archaeology and Engineering, Corinth, Greece (2011)
<p>Liquefaction in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake will provide important lessons for the geotechnical profession regarding the seismic performance of a wide range of geotechnical and constructed facilities affected by liquefaction. This paper examines ...
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Earthquake Engineering -
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Lessons Learned from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, March 1-4, 2012, Tokyo, Japan
Shahri A. A.
Behzadafshar K.
et al.
<p>The objective of a site response analysis is to estimate the ground shaking intensity during an earthquake. The Miyaneh city and its suburban areas are located in the northwest of Iran in AzarbayjanSharghi province. This area is prone to high seismic risk ...
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Earthquake Engineering -
Ground Response Analysis
Scientific Research and Essays Vol. 5(16), pp. 2257-2274, 18 August, 2010
Guatteri M.
Mai P. M.
et al.
In this paper is analysed a procedure to generate physicallyconsistent earthquake-rupture models that should help make such simulations more accurate.
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Earthquake Engineering -
Strong Ground Motion
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 94, No. 6, pp. 2051–2063, December 2004
<p>This work presents a statistical study on the effect of soil layers with uncertain properties on ground-motion intensity at the soil surface. Surface motion is obtained by applying multiple real rock earthquake records at the base of different characterizations ...
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Earthquake Engineering -
Strong Ground Motion
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 94, No. 6, pp. 2090–2109, December 2004
Guatteri M.
Mai P. M.
et al.
In this article is simulated near-fault strong ground motion using dynamic source models.
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Earthquake Engineering -
Strong Ground Motion
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 93, No. 1, pp. 301-313, February 2003
The analysis in this paper concludes that permanent displacements of the ground andof structures in the near-field can be calculated provided all six components of strong motion(three translations and three rotations) have been recorded, and the records are ...
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Earthquake Engineering -
Soil Dynamics
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2001
The seismic safety of 260 m high rock-fill dam in narrow and curved valley, located in seismically active area subjected to Maximum Credeble Earthquake (MCE) with Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) 0.5g has been investigated. A sequential nonlinear static and ...
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Earthquake Engineering -
Seismic Hazard Analysis
In this report are studied the characteristics of strong ground motions at the near-source region.
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Earthquake Engineering -
Strong Ground Motion
"Proc. Of theFHWA/NCEER Workshop on the Nat=l Representation of Seismic<br/>Ground Motion for New and Existing Highway Facilities"