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Publications tagged with [satellite measurements]

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Shaking from the January 12, 2010, Haiti earthquake (M 7.0) caused devastating structural damage and triggered many landslides that blocked roads, dammed rivers and streams, and threatened infrastructure in many parts of Haiti. The earthquake had a complex ...
Reference: Open-File Report 2011–1023
Selection of suitable satellite sensors for groundwater exploration
Filed under: Geology -  Hydrogeology
Reference: Sensors 2008, 8, 2006-2016
This article is an attempt to compile all scattered information to serve as a comprehensive technical reference. Further, the article surveys the various applications where CORONA data have been used and assesses the potential of these data. Due to low cost, ...
Filed under: Geology -  General Geology
Reference: CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 92, NO. 7, 10 APRIL 2007
<p>At depth, many fold-and-thrust belts are composed of a gently dipping, basal thrustfault and steeply dipping, shallower splay faults that terminate beneath folds at the surface.Movement on these buried faults is difficult to observe, but synthetic aperture ...
Reference: Geology; July 2004; v. 32; no. 7; p. 577-580
The accuracy of forest stand type maps derived from a Landsat Thematic Mapper (Landsat TM) image of a heterogeneous forest covering rugged terrain is generally low. Therefore, the first objective of this study was to assess whether topographic correction of ...
Reference: Forest Ecology and Management 183 (2003) 31–46