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Geotechnical Egineering News tagged with [mining]

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BBC NEWS   24 May 2021   World  
<p>The public will need to accept greater mining activity if the world is to meet the challenge of going green.<br />Resource experts say the current supply of various metals and minerals cannot support a global economy producing net zero carbon emissions.<br ...
Filed under: Mining News   07 September 2018   Greece   Thessaloniki  
<p>The Symposium aims at giving an opportunity to professionals from the mining industry and practitioners from consulting companies, equipment suppliers and software providers, people from research institutions and government agencies as well as academic ...   02 April 2018   Nigeria   West Africa  
<p>Artisanal gold miners in the Niger state of Nigeria are asking the Muhammadu Buhari government to help them operate under conditions that allow them to take better care of the environment and contribute to the local economy.</p> <p>In an interview with ...
Filed under: Mining News   23 November 2017   USA   Kentucky  
<p>LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 21, 2017) &mdash; Underground coal mines are tight spaces characterized by limited mobility and visibility. These are factors that cause difficulty for equipment operators and introduce serious risks for workers around haulage vehicles, ...
The Guardian   21 September 2017   Greece  
<p>Greece&rsquo;s biggest foreign investor has withdrawn its threat to pull out of the country in a dispute with the government over mining permits, as miners protested in Athens fearing job losses.<br />George Burns, chief executive of the Canadian mining ...
Filed under: Mining News
The Guardian   10 May 2016   Australia   Australia  
<p>Out Western Australia way unlikely new environmental heroes can be found toiling in the red ochre dust of the Pilbara.</p> <p>Until recently companies such as Altura Mining, which has a long rap sheet of coal projects to its name, weren&rsquo;t exactly ...
Filed under: Mining News
Press TV   01 February 2016   Iran  
<p>Iran&rsquo;s mining sector has now more than $10 billion of investment pledges by the Europeans and Chinese under its belt, Deputy Mine, Industry and Trade Minister Mehdi Karbasian says. &ldquo;$10 billion of foreign investment package has been drawn up ...
Filed under: Mining News
ABC News   17 December 2015   World  
<p>A prominent China economist has predicted more mining companies could go bankrupt globally in the new year, including major second tier firms, as China's economy slows down and commodity prices keep falling.</p><p>He has forecast that iron ore prices will ...
Filed under: Mining News
BBC NEWS   17 November 2015   Tanzania   Shinyanga region  
<p>Five gold miners have been rescued in western Tanzania after being trapped underground for 41 days, while 12 others are still missing, police say.<br />The artisanal miners survived by eating roots, soil, frogs and cockroaches and are receiving treatment ...
Filed under: Mining News
Daily Mail   23 October 2015   Russia   Kupol mine, Siberia  
<p>Situated high above the Arctic circle, the Kupol mine of Siberia is one of the toughest places to work in the world with temperatures reaching as low as minus 31 degrees Fahrenheit.<br />Gold was first discovered in the region in the 1940s and was forcibly ...
Filed under: Mining News