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<p>With the increasing population and the consequent needs for transport facilities, the construction of tunnels in urban environments is fast growing. Tunneling at each depth of the soil, causes changes in the earth&rsquo;s surface; this is more important ...
Reference: Open Journal of Civil Engineering, 2016, 6, 242-253
<p>The first Metro Project in Indonesia has commenced finally and half of the packages are underground structure. The civil packages have been achieving some significant progress in construction where the majority of underground stations are under construction ...
Reference: HAKI Conference, Jakarta, 23rd – 25th August, 2016
Tao S. , Gao B. et al.  
<p>This study aims at researching damage mechanism of tunnel portal and front slope caused by seismic excitation, while post-earthquake field investigations and shaking table tests were conducted. Seismic damage mechanism can be drawn from comparison between ...
Reference: EJGE Vol. 20 [2015], Bund. 8
<p>The tunnel may have to be constructed across a faulted zone as it is not always possible to avoid crossing active faults. In these situations, the tunnel must tolerate the expected fault displacements and seismic action, and allow<br />only minor damages ...
Reference: 15WCEE
<p>Underground structures constitute crucial components of the transportation networks. Considering their significance for modern societies, their proper seismic design is of great importance. However, this design may become very tricky, accounting of the ...
Reference: COMPDYN 2013 4th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
Earthquakes subject tunnel linings to transient strains due to ground shaking, and can cause localized permanent strains in zones of fault rupture. These issues are discussed with respect to seismic analyses and design strategies. Most underground structures ...
Reference: 2012 NZSEE Conference
This paper presents a parametric investigation of the seismic response of circular tunnel. The dynamic response in non-linear conditions due to seismic shaking is analysed numerically making use of the finite element program ICFEP in non-linear conditions. ...
Reference: 1st Civil and Environmental Engineering Student Conference 25-26 June 2012, Imperial College London
<p>This article describes briefly the main assessments on the approaches used by engineers in quantifying the seismic effect on an underground structure, both referring to deterministic either probabilistic methods. However, the main purpose is that of proposing ...
This paper describes the Arhavi Highway Tunnel which has two tubes, its geometrical properties, finite element model, and the nonlinear earthquake behaviour under a huge ground motion considering soil-structure interaction. The Arhavi Highway Tunnel is one ...
Reference: Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11, 2755–2763, 2011
The impact of earthquakes, due to ground shaking, which affects the whole tunnel length from ovaling of the tunnel cross section, is investigated in this thesis. The influence of rock mass quality Q and the tunnel dimension is also studied. Finally, an approach ...
Reference: Master Thesis in Geosciences, Department of Geosciences, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO