Your single point of reference for all your Geotechnical Inquiries
Software by [RocScience]
Rocscience has been creating easy to use, reliable geotechnical software since 1996. We specialize in 2D and 3D analysis and design programs for civil engineering and mining applications. Our high quality programs allow engineers to quickly and accurately analyze surface and underground structures in rock and soil, thereby improving safety and reducing the cost of design projects. Source:
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<p>CPillar is a quick, interactive, and easy-to-use analysis tool for evaluating the stability of surface or underground crown pillars, and laminated roof beds. It helps you accomplish easy and quick stability analyses of surface or underground crown pillars ...
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<p>EX3 helps you perform complex stress analysis of your underground applications including excavations, underground mining, and tunneling. It includes modules for geometric modeling, surface meshing, elastic stress analysis based on the boundary element method, ...
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<p>RocFall2 is a 2D statistical analysis program designed to help you assess slopes at risk for rockfalls. This program can define energy, velocity and "bounce height" envelopes for the entire slope and the location of rock endpoints. Easily calculate the ...
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<p>RocFall3 is a state-of-the-art software tool for 3-dimensional analysis of slopes at risk of rockfalls. Building off the tools and functions found in RocFall2 (formerly RocFall) and harnessing the same powerful 3D features established in Slide3 and RS3, ...
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<p>RocPlane is an easy-to-use tool for planar wedge stability analysis and design. A useful tool for geotechnical engineers analyzing bench stability in open pit mines and rock slopes. It defines planar wedge models and visualizes them in 2D and 3D. Using ...
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<p>RocSupport is an analysis tool for estimating the support requirements of tunnels in weak rock. Rock-support interaction analysis allows you to quickly run parametric analyses for different support types and rock parameters. It can provide valuable information ...
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<p>RocTopple is an interactive software tool for performing toppling analysis and support design of rock slopes. RocTopple makes it easy to visualize the slope failure in 2D and interactive 3D and displays the potential failure mode of individual blocks (toppling, ...
Software by
<p>RS2 is a 2D finite element method software developed for excavations, slopes, settlements, and more. It accurately captures several aspects of soil behaviour and geotechnical problems and employs FEM modeling to identify the stress-strain component of soil ...
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<p>RS3 is a finite element analysis program for underground excavations, surface excavation, foundation design, embarkments, consolidation, and support design. It performs advanced 3D analysis of geotechnical structures for civil and mining applications and ...
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<p>RSData is a highly interactive program that allows you to easily test different strength parameters and observe how they impact a failure envelope, giving you a better understanding of material strength parameters for rock and soil. It offers detailed insights ...